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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! the backdrop ain't an issue at all mate! Is just good to see the actual part!
  2. That looks excellent Jason! Can't wait to see the 1/60 casts!
  3. loving the engine lighting glow effect!
  4. beautiful bit of video! Absolutely gorgeous birds!
  5. Yes same here! I'd like to pick up all of them! The Shuttle in particular!
  6. Nice!!! well done sh9000! Love that wedding car!
  7. those CIWS guns are bad ass!!! I'd love to mount one on top of my house for personal security!
  8. Black Bullet is proving to be pretty good so far..
  9. yeah that's quite a decent price..
  10. Now that is an absolutely beautiful piece! I have always wanted one of these and the Apollo 11 Saturn V rocket! Shame they are shockingly expensive now..
  11. Ahhh yes I remember this! Quite an interesting redesign of the F22. And has divertless intakes similar to the F35. Wonder how it would've performed both in stealth and speed!?
  12. I have freedom.. the freedom to be flatulent where ever I so please!
  13. Strangely enough that actually kinda doesn't look too bad! Makes you wonder if Lockheed Martin ever explored this layout?
  14. Sounds great mate! thanks for the updates!
  15. I don't think love and Stargate can possibly go together.. is exactly what I was busting to do when I first saw this movie in the cinema! a girl friend hadn't even seen this movie so we watched it the other night. Still so cheesy all these years later.. funny enough she liked it! and in real time! I can't even track a parcel coming from Japan anywhere near as easy let alone my own finances..
  16. nahhh.. gonna give this one a miss. I already have one of the original Yamato releases so I don't see the need for another especially as fighter mode is the only mode I actually like so buying another to display in gerwalk or battroid is kinda pointless. But if they had released a FB2012 color scheme then I would've been all over that like 5h!t to a blanket! hehe!
  17. im not a big fan of Star Wars either but I enjoyed all the movies for what they are and I am looking forward to the new movie but I haven't been able to get my son to watch any of them! He's just not interested in the slightest! But on the flip side, I love Star Trek and again he was never interested but I did get him to watch latest movie and he sat through most of Wrath of Khan and didn't mind it at all.
  18. definitely considering it! His birthday has long since passed and we usually don't buy any of the adults in the family any gifts for xmas, only stuff for the kids but I might have to make an exception this year! I know he would love it! I showed it to him and he was impressed!
  19. ebay has long become a total (bad) joke.. gone are the days of finding bargains. Its now only full of greed from both the sellers and ebay themselves.
  20. yes that is correct it is a cranked arrow layout but still a delta wing.. Would definitely be interesting to see what their babies be like!
  21. I only have a small collection of diecast vehicles and my only growing collecting is Macross these days so it would have to be my M&M VF-1J pair and my TSM 1:18 Tyrrell P34 Silverstone Trophy Race F1 car all of which cost me a small fortune..
  22. Alien Resurrection was pretty woeful.. being a big fan of the whole Alien movie universe, I really struggled to sit through it when I first saw it in the cinema. Although Alien3 wasn't particularly that bad but also wasn't that good either, I really didn't think they could have done any worse when the next movie came along but Resurrection really blew chunks..
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