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Everything posted by spanner

  1. ever heard of chains!? hehe! but yeah the fishing line would be more than sufficient!
  2. bit of robot love eh.. part of me says no and the other part says yes! so what the hell just show us the pic already! cover = blown! hehe!
  3. now that I think of it.. my mum has a huge and heavy mirror mounted on the wall and its gotta weigh something like 10+ kilo's at least! and its mounted using just one of those dry wall anchors with no problem!
  4. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    to be honest I could totally pass on lighting.. I'd rather have more effort put into detailing than messing about with electronics. Just seems an unnecessary cost and complexity. but with the lighting power method.. I can't remember what type of figure it was but my cousin has a robot which lights up when you stand it on its base. Has metal contacts in the feet which make the connection.. better than unsightly wiring.
  5. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    the proportions in Battroid look quite good actually! Better than I was expecting.. very similar looking to a Yamato v2 VF-1. The lighting is cool but having a wire dangling out its backside isn't such a nice idea.. im hoping for those Gundam style (no pun intended) fully articulating hands! Higher overall external detailing and a more accurately detailed cockpit & pilot!
  6. oh! definitely more than enough load rating!
  7. of hang it from the ceiling!! that's my plan!
  8. sorry didn't mean to post this message.. I screwed up the quote..
  9. yeah the F4 Phantom was a fairly aerodynamically complicated aircraft.. with many desirable and undesirable flying characteristics. An extensive list of varying military requirements led to many design compromises which caused problems but it grew into a very competent and sturdy platform as long as one acknowledged and respected its strengths and weaknesses. Many pilots loved it and many pilots hated it. Which is a very common scenario throughout military aviation history. Similar thing with the Tomcat and its replacement Super Hornet for example.
  10. yes almost a refreshing feeling to be getting something different eh! I will also be in for what ever they release! Bring it (all) on!
  11. @anubis20.. @Lolicon.. Nice purchases guys! Hope you enjoy them!
  12. wow! that is an epic idea Yeit! Love it! What kind of fixtures did you use in the wall? Anchors or those plastic dry wall screw things..?
  13. crikey! the 1:3000 is big enough but that 1:1800 is gonna seem huge! where to display it! I was hoping that Arcadia would re-issue their 1:3000 SDF-1 but I think I'd more likely go with the 1:1800 scale ship instead! Bigger is better right! right!?!?
  14. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    its cool they are making stands for these things! The blue multi valk stand is a nice idea!
  15. wha.. what is that!? no please don't be a singing dancing Valkyrie.. that's frightening!
  16. Yeah its right up there for me also! Not quite the top but pretty darn close.. There are so many fighters from around that era that are amazing designs! Its probably too hard to actually choose a No.1 fav!
  17. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    in fighter mode it definitely has strong design influence from the 30 but in battroid it seems to combine elements from both the 25 & 30. So I presume it still has roots back to the original YF-24 then? Quite interesting. I though it would have been much more closer to the 30.
  18. Looks good Hervé! So what's with having to cut out those sections for the intake ramps? Is that like a detail up kit option or something? And are those the original intakes in grey beside them?
  19. these things are just beautiful!
  20. I wish I had one of these as a kid..
  21. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    probably be the case.. just as with the forever illusive Yamato 1:60 HWR-00-MKII Destroid Monster..
  22. I have to whole hardheartedly agree! on a percentage scale, for me generally following Macross is 75% for the Valkyrie toys and 25% for the actually anime series.. Sometimes it feels as high as 95% - 5% as im not always watching the anime but having my Valkyrie on display in my actual living space I do get to enjoy them on a daily basis. So yeah im here for the Valks!
  23. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh dear god I can see it now.. wait guys let make love not war! then out comes the valkyrie sized guitar, keyboard and drum set.. then lame arse music and valk dancing begins.. kill me now.
  24. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we.just.don't.need.another.sound.booster.valkyrie.damn.it. That's not even funny Graham.. you shouldn't joke like that or give them any ideas they simply don't need!
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