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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Nice set Saburo! My cousin got hold of this set a while back and they are pretty awesome! I can only barely remember the series as a kid but seeing the cars in the flesh was pretty cool! Congrats on your fine acquisition! to everyone else.. nice purchases guys!
  2. not sure but this may have been posted before.. still a great video showing the driver wrestling this awesome car around what is probably the best track in the world!
  3. hmmm not such a bad pose there! I may actually be starting to change my opinion on this guys battroid mode after all! maybe..
  4. that looks cool with the Max & Milia figures sitting up on top!
  5. wow its really coming together very nicely eh! You're a master good sir!
  6. they all look amazing! very nice work!
  7. maybe the core section is larger but the size of the main fan will remain the same? Or is this engine slated for the 777X which I think was meant to get a new wing design which might have changed to accommodate a slightly larger engine perhaps? all guesses of course.. well there you go.. quoted from the 777 wiki page.. as reliable as this information may be of course.. "Boeing announced the development of upgraded 777-8X and 777-9X models, collectively named 777X, featuring composite wings and GE9X engines and further technologies developed for the 787. The 777X series is planned to enter service by 2020."
  8. ohhh! some fresh pics! So this might still be happening then? I wonder what scale that is? fingers crossed for 1:60!
  9. Some interesting GE jet engine stuffs.. more cool jet engine stuff..
  10. Stunning visuals of the sun! Such am amazing thing at work isn't it!
  11. awesome Lego's M'Kyuun!
  12. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    hehe! that's pretty bad!
  13. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    $400 usd.. that's heading north of $600 aud! Aussie dollar ain't worth a pinch of 5h!t at the moment.. Im still hoping for 35k to 40k yen max. Yeah I know that's quite optimistic.. And yeah that reminds me, im due for a pay rise soon too I think!? Supposed to get one every 12 months and its now a bit overdue.
  14. well there you go eh.. shows how much I know about Transformers..
  15. hehe! they weren't very creative when it came to the name for the Lamborghini figure! I know its a clone toy but seriously.. Lambor!?!? that's kinda lame.. nice looking toy though!
  16. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    that's true.. but I can also see Bandai pricing it closer to recent Arcadia releases simply to piss them off and gain even more of the Macross market share. They know this will sell well which in turn will give them some better leverage with the final asking price. Or at least enough to give Arcadia a serious head ache!
  17. hehe! its all good! and yes it was pretty crappy!
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