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Everything posted by spanner

  1. My Note5 screen resolution is 1440x2560. Im keen to see what you have in mind! Derex S6 is the very same.
  2. @Saburo.. Using one of your photos as my new phone wallpaper!
  3. Luca's 25 is such a lovely color! Great photo Saburo!
  4. why so much bashing on Porsche!? The 911 is a friggin sweet car! All except the 996 model which sucked..
  5. This thing just gets better all the time!
  6. That part looks very good!
  7. Nice! I meant the 240 The Fiat is cool too though.. Silly question but why is there a wheel chair logo on your number plate?
  8. this thread is getting so much Star Wars love!
  9. wow! that looks positively terrible! Can't wait to see it! hehe!
  10. Ahhh I see. Yes some of his work is a bit repetitive I'll admit that. Though I do still like how these three girls have turned out. Hope the fourth is more unique that the first three.
  11. I too like her panties! And the little fan service detail they included! You're referring to Annabel and Daisy yes? But they have nice faces!
  12. That sucks.. looks like it could have been dropped in the factory or during packaging!?
  13. oh! that makes sense I guess.. im not so fussed that you can't take their clothes off. I think there is plenty on show as it is!
  14. I think she looks amazing in white! What is castoff-enabled?
  15. Some nice footage but yeah it was like a bad case of Deja Vu..
  16. Was also considering buying this version of Saber Bride too! She's gorgeous but I think what lets her down a bit (and im sure I'll cop sh!t for this) is her unzipped suit.. Don't get me wrong I think she's super sexy and all that but I think its a little over done or was unnecessary. A little sIutty even. They could've had her suit just unzipped half way down her boobs and still nailed the look. Not that the Innocent Fairy - Freesia that I pre-ordered isn't revealing, on the contrary but as the name of the figure suggests she does does look a lot more "innocent" rather than "sIutty". Heck im still giving her some consideration but for the moment I think I'll give her a miss.
  17. I told myself I wasn't going to buy any more female anime statues but this one I just couldn't resist! She's simply stunning! Love her pose, her sword, what she's wearing, her bad ass facial expression! Love her everything! While I was at it I also pre-ordered the 4-Leaves Tony's Heroine Collection "Innocent Fairy" Freesia seeing that I have the other two.. Has some very nice finer details! Plenty of fan service going on! And she's super cute too!
  18. Its a nice little detail isn't it! Im seriously considering pre-ordering this figure! She positively lovely!
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