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Everything posted by spanner

  1. yeah maybe so but it does look very silly! Like they added those movements simply to make the scene more interesting to look at. Or... he's using the throttles to steer the thing like pilots do in planes when the encounter a dead stick situation?
  2. haha! spot on guys! Have to admit that sequence looked pretty terrible!
  3. Yeah but isn't Britai a little out of scale in this pic? I thought Valk's were meant to be around 25% taller than a Zentradi?
  4. Hehe! I must have been tried or something.. i meant to say you said "it was" xmas day, not that "it wasn't".. sorry typo!
  5. yeah sorry forgot to actually mention the new release date.. sometime I do make me wonder.. so yeah as seti88 said its xmas day.
  6. Graham, after mulling over your theory for a few moments it begins to scare me somewhat! Geez I hope you are indeed wrong about it! hehe!
  7. just got an email from NY saying that the release date for the VF-0S has been brought forward nearly a week! Getting them a few days sooner sounds good to me!
  8. So correct me if I'm wrong but they are airing the first Mac-Del ep at the end of December yes?
  9. I always thought the most realistic form of mecha control would be a combination of an automatic function (to mimic human like movements), physical input via hands and feet controls, and a nerve / muscle / brainwave response system similar to how the Bioroids from Southern Cross work.. What is certain in most advanced mecha anime (Macross included) is that us mere mortal humans simply wouldn't have the physical or mental capability to control these things and that the "anime magic" factor takes over to help make anything possible!
  10. I absolutely loved Robot Carnival!
  11. such a beautiful engine glow!
  12. my phone wallpapers seem to change as quickly as the weather does.. now sporting some SAAB Gripen love!
  13. Base looks fab! After all the work you have put into this Falcon, it will be a shame to let it go! That's very cool!
  14. Hey Jason, sorry this may have been mentioned already or I missed it but when do you expect the drone assembly to begin for those of us who bought it complete? Not hassling at all of course, was just curious.. No rush mate! Everything else is looking great!
  15. an ex girlfriend of many years ago had a 2002, well it was her mums but she drove it until it was hit from behind and written off.. I did offer to buy the car for the money it was insured for (which was more than they eventually received as a payout from the insurance company anyways) in order to attempt a repair but her parents thought the idea was "dodgy" somehow (f@#$wits) and let the insurance company take the car. It was such a clean good condition car (aside the rear damage) and I was so pissed off with them for not letting me have it.
  16. Nice grabs Gundam, Lolicon and Mr Bomber!
  17. Great shots Gundam! Love the 3 together!
  18. Great work so far Derex!
  19. that looks fantastic Saburo! Just updated my wallpaper.. again!
  20. Hehe! To be honest I only like the 911.. and a handful of other models such as the Carrera GT, 918, 959.. the rest of them are junk.
  21. So sorry to hear that.. how do you even cope!? Everything would look so pixelated!
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