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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! yeah no 3 modes for me this time.. never say never I guess as who knows maybe down the track I'll pick up another. Im still deciding what to do with the RA parts and if I do buy them I'll need another. NY have been pretty good to me. Well I have spent a small fortune with them!
  2. spoke to NY yesterday and have decided to only take my original two.. they are happy to cancel my extra three but will leave them up till the due date and let them lapse. Just in case I change my mind. Nice of them to do so..
  3. oh.. that wasn't very clever who ever did that! Can they find out who it was that did it? Seeing that it caused downtime and additional costs..
  4. all of the unspacy markings look like stickers..
  5. what contaminated the fuel? And what was the cheese cloth?
  6. more like a tiger pattern.. yeah that does look pretty good!
  7. gorgeous Japanese Phantoms taking off from Nyutabaru air base..
  8. Of course I much prefer (love actually) the original NSX but its taken me a while to grow on the new model.. Its ok just not great or at least what I was expecting as a model revival.
  9. what Garfinkel said..
  10. that's one possible explanation..
  11. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

  12. yeah it is a bit silly but I wanted 4 for myself, one for each mode clean and 1 to dress up in Reactive Armor parts. The 5th was going to be for my son but he has changed his mind in favor of something else not Macross related. Might just stick to the original 2 that I have already paid for.. hehe! technically it would be 4 but yeah its kinda bordering on hoarding eh! You know who is a hoarder!?!? Kicker! The more you buy the more likely you'll get one with an issue! or as much as I figure so..
  13. Just got payment request from NY for the VF-0S. I have two already paid for and now need to decide if I want to commit to the other three.. I have till the 21st otherwise they will cancel anything outstanding. Just not sure I want the extras now..
  14. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    1:144 would simply be too small.. Although it would be a real novelty if they could make something that small transform the very same way as a 1:60 toy! Wouldn't be possible and be super delicate. The Hi-Metal 1:100 toys I think are the absolute limit in terms of size to still have a decent transformation although they do require some parts forming. I think the way forward is to move to a super scale. The 1:35 is cool but a 1:24 or even larger would have been epic! But I'll be happy with the 1:35.
  15. If they had actually molded in a slight depression in that particular area making them vents or whatever then yeah the markings would have looked cool! But instead they made it look like a poorly done afterthought.. Looks cheap. But I still love the Valk anyways! Hence why I have all of them!
  16. Looks superb Derex! Nice Gundam Golden Arms!
  17. Wow! They look amazing!
  18. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Fair enough but personally I would like to see something different and the 1:35 scale toy is that different! I can't say im very interested or keen on another line of 1:60 VF-1 toys.. I have enough of them already with the Yamacadia's..
  19. I think its one of the most beautiful shapes of planes flying today! Yes it most likely won't have quite as small RCS as a Raptor but nor will it be anywhere near as expensive to develop or produce. A factor that will work both for and against it. But then again the Russians have always seemed to be able to get a good or better bang for the buck ratio out of their planes (purely on a cost basis) compared to the much more expensive American or even eastern European fighters such as the Eurofighter and Rafale. I have no doubt it will be a very effective plane. Yes the Russians can't spend the mega bucks but those guys aren't stupid either and know exactly what they are doing. Im so keen to see how much they improve this plane nearer to its introduction and with new engines!
  20. there there.. im sending you a forum hug! nothing sinister about that guys so don't judge.
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