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Everything posted by spanner

  1. orrrr....... it could suck for all we know!?!? and they keeping it a low profile till the first ep screening to minimize the disappointment. Hey im not saying that it will suck or anything (I sure as hell hope not!) but why keep it under wraps for so long?
  2. man I can't wait to see this finished! its gonna be mental epic!
  3. this is all nice and everything but sheesh when do we get to see its other modes!?!?
  4. hehehe!! that is (almost) blasphemy! ur so siiiiiiiiiilly!
  5. I see lots of model making in your future! hehe!
  6. nice work station setups Yeti & Saburo!
  7. congrats unlogic!
  8. that's one tough looking stance!
  9. Ferrari porn indeed! Not much a fan of modern Ferrari stuffs but their older classics are really starting to appeal! That 330 is a gem!
  10. spanner

    Macross figures

    Macross Rick Hunter?? errr no.. Looks ok overall but the face isn't right.. doesn't really look like "Hikaru" at all really.
  11. sorry if I missed the conversation about the specific tampo details but are the fast packs tampo'd with unspacy on the final version? if so that seems rather strange that they would tampo those parts and not the legs!? I can see more folks displaying the valkyrie without add on parts than with..
  12. That looks spectacular! Such a great concept the 262! Cant wait for the Bandai toy!
  13. Shipping notice!!!!!! Woooooooo!!!!! Fingers, toes and whatever else crossed for next week arrival!
  14. Beautiful shots Gundam!!!
  15. Nice pics Saburo!!! hehe! I bet those few words are becoming meaningless seeing how often you hear them! Hey its your own fault for (always) taking such fantastic photos of everything!
  16. Hi welcome aboard! listen to your heart and GO FOR IT! my "logic" is you only live once so fire away!!!
  17. has this been posted before? if so then my most humble of apologies.. but if not then enjoy!
  18. hey thanks for the extra set of crossed fingers! I think my best bet will be if they actually ship them out a little sooner than the 25th even if its just a day or two then maybe just maybe I'll get it in time. Otherwise looks like 1st week on the new year.. The only other possibility is in the past the postal system has been known to keep deliveries going right into the weekend in order to keep up with demand. Again fingers crossed.
  19. Sucks you suffered a breakage but thanks for the update Jason! happy to wait!
  20. yeah it really would be nice to have these arrive whilst im off up to new years but I have my doubts.. even if they do leave Japan and land here in Aus then it'll be the postal system here which will let me down. Fingers crossed anyways!
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