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Everything posted by spanner

  1. That's a very interesting shot Noel! I totally didn't notice it at all! Even after watching it 4 times now. So its a partial gerwalk and yes it does seem that they could be the arms that tuck in between the legs. Actually that very lower part which you have highlighted in green is the gunpod/turret thing which we know of already and the other green highlighted part directly above that might be the arms with only one being visible in the shot and sitting directly beside it. Also from what I can tell then the SV-262 does indeed have two engines which appear to merge into one combined exhaust when the legs and feet sections come together in fighter mode.
  2. the Zero-S white is off but not nearly as off as DYRL white. I do think you paired them very well but if you do have time to take some new shots with a DYRL VF-1S purely for comparison reasons then it would be interesting to see the differences.
  3. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'd say having different head units would almost guarantee that. But we could be proven otherwise. I'd prefer to have different variant designations and it would keep with previous Valkyrie tradition.
  4. nahhh I think the TV VF-1S looks great beside the Zero!
  5. hehehe!! blame accepted!
  6. very nice!!
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    im not really sure as some have better colors in some spots than others but if I had to choose in any sort of order it would be something like this.. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4. But im sure this will change the more I watch the series. And either way im going to be buying all of the anyways!
  8. MADNESS!!! New favorite photo!!!
  9. great work David! One of my Zero-D has a slight mark on its canopy but its the one I keep in Baattroid so its not visible but your scratch removal method seems to be very effective! Means I now have an option in order to rectify the issue! Thanks for posting this up!
  10. Hey Saburo, could you do or have a wider version of this very photo? I just need more width in order to fit the whole Zero in the screen without chopping off any of the top back pack or lower legs and feet. Also having the whole lot of the left wing in the frame would be better too! If not then its all good.. Just thought I'd ask.
  11. Glorious photos Saburo! The Zero is just as if not even more photogenic as the other Valkyrie's you have photographed! And it gives me even more phone wallpapers to last me the next few months! LOL!
  12. I use the Ikea Klingsbo but they cannot be placed directly side by side as the Ikea Detolf can. Also the Detolf are about half the price and only give away a small amount of overall display space but also have greater shelf heights which allow for Bandai Valkyrie's to be able to be displayed in battroid on their included display stands. The Klingsbo shelf heights are lower and somewhat shallow. I have half dozen Klingsbo cabinets but I would have preferred the Detolf. Also you can buy directly from Ikea the lighting kit for the Detolf as apposed the Klingsbo which does not support it meaning you have to do a custom lighting setup which is less desirable. The Detolf is your best bet.
  13. Due to their somewhat underwhelming level of customer support they exhibit then yes that does introduce a degree of risk but I think its more the minority that there are defects occurring. There might always be very minor issues like what I had with a scratched canopy frame (was easily corrected) but actual breakages or missing parts is more rare. I still purchased though and have existing pre-orders (VF-4G included) with NY with good confidence.
  14. Its a nice feeling when your wife/partner/girlfriend (or other) supports your hobby/passion like that! Even if its not an item of critical importance to you or your collection but when they buy it for you then it makes it all the more special! Marvelous!!
  15. Damn that's unfortunate.. sorry to hear yours arrived damaged. Clearly one that slipped through quality control.. Though buying it through HLJ will give you the best opportunity in getting it replaced or a refund. Hope you can get it sorted out. One of mine did have some of the black paint on the canopy frame scratched off but I was able to touch it up. Yes Noel I do.. Definitely buy another!! hehehe!
  16. Fantastic photos guys!!!
  17. crazy good photos Gundam! They look friggin tough as nails together!
  18. I kinda got the gist of what was going on watching it the first time but then watching a subtitled version the rest of it made a more sense. I definitely enjoyed it a lot more 2nd time around! Really looking forward to seeing more!
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