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Everything posted by spanner

  1. It's been a little quiet for a few days in here.. thought there'd be some news as we're getting closer to release. Anything?
  2. that is a real shame but when I transformed mine I didn't even pull those silly things out and it still displayed perfectly fine! Maybe you could superglue it back together and forget about it?
  3. hehe! yes that's correct, I don't.. But it still didn't stop me hating on its excessive complexity and generally horrid transformation process. LOL! I take it you're joking but I'll play along! Delta wing layout is what I meant.. just say'n.. see below.. what he said.. very nice!!!
  4. Mine cost me 19k from CDJ, I missed out on the cheaper PO prices..
  5. Day off work today so I thought I'd do some display cabinet de-dusting.. Also presented a good photo opportunity! The DX Delta's! Such a beautiful trio!
  6. Yeah sorry thats $400 Australian dollars.. at the moment 25000 yen is about $310ish and roughly 6000yen for shipping is another 70-80 so thats pretty much 400.. and the AUD will probably continue to sink even further by then so it could even be over 400!
  7. I have a second one PO'd at NY but I think I'm gonna cancel it.. its $400 I think could be better spent else where, especially at xmas time.
  8. Got me another car! Though this is a replacement for another I am selling.. Selling my Paragon M4 cabrio and replacing it with this Paragon M6 cabrio. I want a better mix of cars and colors.
  9. Nice! What brand and scale is the Eagle?
  10. Jumped on that as soon as I heard! Can't wait!
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