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Everything posted by spanner

  1. if im not mistaken the primary's may have been 3d printed?? but the duplicate parts are resin cast in molds. Im sure Jason can tell you more..
  2. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    hehe! lovely..
  3. nice but boobs just too big.. half the size would be better!
  4. Im sure nothing at all will change.. they might tell the factory to possibly tighten a screw or two up a little harder than spec but the same issues will prevail. I guess that's a good thing as I don't need any excuse to want to spend more money at the moment.. well at least not on super expensive Arcadia releases anyways!
  5. wow! that looks awesome! Especially being held by the Zero!
  6. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    hehe! sorry to get you guys excited for nothing! Its just that its been over a month since the last post and this is something I would love to have..
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I do see your point but even with the F-16 and other sideways deploying landing gear (and F-14 for example) the landing gear physically changes shape in order to fit into the tighter stowage spaces available in the air frame. Similar to the landing gear on the 21-22 where the wheels swivel 90 degrees. Anything more might be too complex or costly to engineer into the toy. I reckon it will be a more narrow setup similar to the 25-27-29 as Mommar suggested which does take up very little room. What ever they decide to do I just hope that it does include landing gear..
  8. I think if they hadn't used the found footage method or at least only made it part of the film then it would have been better. But its hard to make a found footage movie seem truly realistic as they try and push that element way too far and it never fully works. Yes some have worked better than others I find the typical shaky footage becomes fatiguing after a while. Besides how much video recording is someone in a critical life and death situation going to be continuously be recording?? I think you'd be more focused on staying alive instead.
  9. hehe! ooops must have swiped straight past that post.. sorry im on my mobile which sucks for web browsing..
  10. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    so I take it there hasn't been any other developments on this lately??
  11. What!? another one? seriously!? This can't be real..
  12. Cloverfield was terrible (not a fan of found footage stuff..) but this looks kinda interesting! And I have a huge soft spot (or hard ) for Mary Elizabeth Winstead! But is it actually a Cloverfield sequel??
  13. agreed.. But if it did then I'd be off loading my original Arcadia 19 quick smart and replacing it with the enhanced re-issue!
  14. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the panel lines directly below the cockpit fuselage section definitely look too much like landing bay doors to be anything else that's for sure but those panel linings on the side of the legs on and around the "05" marking might just be an access door detailing as I couldn't imagine the rear landing gear deploying sideways out of the legs like that.. it would be too complicated and take up too much room internally and besides on the inner side of the other leg there is what would appear to be an identical marking so I think we can safely assume the landing gear will deploy from the more conventional process in a location similar to other Valk's in this family, like the 30 for example.
  15. I just remembered that I once used toothpaste (the whole tube!) to clean off all the cloudy crap of the head lights of a car I had and it worked at treat!
  16. another sad loss and yet again to cancer.. not a good start to the year. RIP Alan.
  17. Looks fantastic Jason! Thanks for posting up the pic!
  18. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Even though most if not all Valkyrie look better in a flying pose than sitting on their landing gear but it certainly would be a silly and a shame if they decided to leave the landing out. In the real world there will always be a situation where they would need to land or park some place and they would be able to do that without the gear. Im hoping its just the prototype we saw that has limited or nill function and the final version will have gear. The only reason I can think of why they would do that is to cut costs for design and manufacturing of the toy itself, regardless if there never is a scene in the anime series where the landing gear was deployed. Personally I will be hugely disappointed if they don't have landing gear. Time will tell I guess.
  19. hmmm not bad!
  20. I think its overall shape is quite good but the head light design still seems a little too busy and that huge front (and elaborate) grille I kinda struggle with.. but yeah is ok.
  21. maybe Arcadia did indeed do a little fixeruppering for the Zero-S! Good news to hear from Jenius!
  22. hehe! it will be like xmas morning for you today!
  23. ahh excellent! so it comes off easy enough with just dish detergent eh!? nice! that stuff should be pretty gentle on the plastics I assume yes?
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