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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! woops.. thought I read it was an "S".. ok time to relax now! 'feeling like a jack ass' mode activated!
  2. bugger! sorry to hear of your misfortune Gabriel.. there is a fix for the problem in this thread somewhere. So would this be the first Zero-S with a leg detachment situation!?!? or did someone already experience this..?
  3. how fiddly would this have been to make!! clearly some people have loads of spare time on their hands..
  4. awesome! a good thing to know! very encouraging!
  5. yeah they are a little pricey.. and I have to agree I'd prefer them without cast off.. Aside the fact I simply wouldn't have the courage to display them naked but it would probably help make them a bit cheaper without that clothing option.
  6. awesome work Derex! Looks great all sticker'd up and panel lined!
  7. yeah im kinda diggin them! very cute!
  8. I think that you should just go take some photos of that Tomcat regardless and post them up here for all of us to enjoy! so hurry along now and take some photos!
  9. @JET7 very nice display! Im really liking the tarmec setup! And that is one fine all glass display cabinet too! Brand and price!? @Benson yeah you're right about elevating the Detolfs! When setup on the floor they sit too low.
  10. from this image from Anymoon.com (thanks Jenius!) I'd say the Angel Bird and 25th anniversary are pretty much tied! But then again I also love Hikaru's color scheme and the CF! But like you said the Navy grey and VF-1J stealth are pretty sweet too!
  11. I've been considering picking up a 48 purely for its fighter dimensions.. though which variant or color scheme is the hard thing to decide. Also price and availability.
  12. Yeah it sure sucks when you're lied to regarding the condition of a purchase. Though some peoples interpretation of "brand new" can often differ. Was it a store or fellow forum member? As long as it's only been opened for inspection and not transformed.. nice grab anyways!
  13. Not as yet but im sure we'll see something in the coming weeks.
  14. Yeah id say its gonna be a pretty easy run for them. Seeing its an existing line with the reissue having little to no significant alterations then im more than sure they will meet the release date target easy enough. Its still the better part of 6 weeks away.
  15. Very nice pics ghostryder! The 1:48 line can still hold their own!
  16. yes kill em! kill em all!!!
  17. wowzers! that is gorgeous!
  18. Yes!! Yes you should!
  19. yeah I certainly would have loved to have had a better kit for this but the Revell kit was all I had. Not accurate to the anime but still pulled off the desired effect.
  20. I have to say I prefer to display mine clean. Definitely looks more canon foddery!
  21. when essentially doubling the power then yeah I'd say fixing the cooling issue is a given. Man what I would do to have one of these things! Such a beast! Sounds crazy nuts too! I recently had all the mufflers removed from my HSV Clubsport (LS1 5.7L) and it now has a thunderous roar! Still doesn't go any better though so its the best im gonna get to having a Corvette of my own sadly..
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