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Everything posted by spanner

  1. After thinkinf about it some more, it would be cool if a bundle option was available as it might be hard or costly to find one on or around the release of the RA parts.. unless Arcadia does a reissue??
  2. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    There's no doubting they were the bomb and it was definitely cool to have them but even back then i always felt frustrated that they looked gordy and i couldn't pose them the way i wanted.. but respect to those who admire and hold them dear to their hearts!
  3. ahh yes thats right.. 2017.. plenty of time to save up!
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I know other guys love them and they have a certain collectible charm but from me personally I have to say you didn't miss out on much..
  5. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    haha! 3x of each! I wish! I think 1 of each will suffice.. unless I trip over a big bag of cash!
  6. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! yeah I know! I remember my 1:55 chunky's which as horrible as they are were the best that was available of the day. But I never did like those things..
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    screw the characters! im gonna buy em all!
  8. those Lincoln's are lovely cars eh! Love that center console design! Congrats on the new car!
  9. looks like the cut out parts fit around the Tamiya kit pretty well. As much as I prefer the original radial engine layout of the P-47, this is still gonna look pretty cool when done! Be sure to post more update pics of this project!
  10. have they given a date of the expected release of the RA parts? I cant seem to recall if it has been mentioned or not..
  11. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    look how far the head unit sticks out in fighter mode! ewww..
  12. wow! that Titan looks mega! I bought the original Atlas figure they had on promo when the game initially released but sold it off. Made a little profit on it too! But geez I haven't played that game in a while now.. after my big screen died it just never looked the same..
  13. hehe! that was quick!
  14. A renewal YF-21 would be great and make a lot of sense as it would go well with their YF-19 release but i have a gut feeling that Arcadia won't be surprising us with anything interesting for a while yet.. especially if they are only dishing out the re-issues and an additional paint version of an existing toy.. Though I'd still love to see SV-51 renewals hit the market! Then I'll have some cheap originals up for sale!
  15. that is a cracking price indeed! very tempting to grab another to keep aside for the armor parts but my finances at this time simply don't allow for it.. especially dropping several thousand on a new mountain bike!
  16. yes that is an excellent was to put it! and I have to say I feel the very same way with my entire collection! Certainly has that clean showroom look and feel to it. Hence why I'll most likely skip this one.. Though I do like the weathered look and Lolicon's VF-0S is a prime example! I guess I still wouldn't mind having something weathered but it would be a tough choice as to what..
  17. i think your weathering on these is far better than the weathering on the Arcadia YF-19 Premium Finish edition..
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hopefully soon. I'd imagine it will open a good 3 to 4 months ahead of the release date which is around July I believe!? correct me if im wrong of course..
  19. The Tornado's just look to bulky even though the armor parts are pretty bulky too but for me they work a lot better than the Tornado's. The super parts are probably the best cos they aren't so overboard and the Valk can stand unassisted without toppling over. I guess its a good thing you have the droopiness fix for them.
  20. even though I have no desire to buy any of these, im still itching to see Jenius review of them!
  21. im just not a fan of the Tornado parts but your stunning photos have certainly raised my eyebrows to them on this occasion! Gorgeous photos once again Saburo!
  22. going purely by the relatively unfinished look of these things I can see a few guys are gonna go crazy re-painting and detailing them!
  23. same here! sure does!
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