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Everything posted by spanner

  1. that variable Hornet is an interesting idea!
  2. it would be great if they released Max & Milia VF-1J as a twin set! I'd love to get a 2nd set of those two to keep MISB.
  3. they look awesome Saburo! great shots!
  4. this looks tacky as @#$% but if it were made diecast and polished up to a mirror finish whilst still fully transformable and not just crappily chrome plated plastic then it would be one heck of a collectible! be worth a $h!7 load of money too but that ain't ever gonna happen..
  5. assuming that Arcadia actually does eventually re-issue all the previous Yamato toys and I had the cash to support buying re-issues then Land Ho Captain! But at the moment things are a little tight and seeing I have pretty much all the orignal Yamato v2 Valkyrie's it becomes hard to justify the costs involved..
  6. wow! that looks cool! but what the heIl is it?
  7. there is sooo much want in this picture!!! both the car and the girl!
  8. cancelled my pre-order with HLJ. Just isn't floating my boat if you know what I mean.. kinda looks a little crappy to be honest. I'll wait for Arcadia to re-issue or renew their 1:3000 toy instead. But if that never comes then wot'evs..
  9. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    When i get mine im gonna kiss it!
  10. Madness!! Best graffiti/street art ever!
  11. awesome! thanks for the update Jason!
  12. hehe! you know you simply aren't helping! mate if I won lotto or tripped over a big bag of cash I'd shout you a Valk! but until that actually happens then its only for me sorry..
  13. I did a quick check of my DX valks and the only one which isn't scratched anywhere is the VF-27 Grace. Most likely as I took her out of the box and straight away displayed it. All the rest have some kind of scratch or very small paint chip somewhere but my Alto 25 has the most. Still not bad or anything to cause concern. Kinda like a bit of field roughage!
  14. It'll have the shading / weathering but definitely wont have any more tampo or markings.. this is Arcadia we're talking about here! LOL!
  15. Beautiful photos Saburo! Definitely one of the nicest and most interesting looking birds in fighter mode! Gahhh! Should i get another!?!?
  16. dang they look bloody good all sticker'd up eh! nice work takatoys! and the raised nose gear looks trick too!
  17. what does the writing say? sorry I got kicked out of Japanese class back in school..
  18. ok so this is only a rough bit of work but if the upper arms sections had covers to bulk up that particular section I reckon it would look a little less odd. That's about a 25% size increase. But you get the idea..
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