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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    from what I can tell it looks to be that you can lift the upper body section to angle upwards more.. what'ya reckon?
  2. spanner

    Macross figures

    WANT & WANT!!! they look cute azz!
  3. looks... moderately ok I guess but in the close up shots it certainly does give the impression its very cheaply made.. if it was around half the price i'd probably pick one up just for the sh!ts and giggles but not at the price they wanting for it.. pass
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    dang that thing looks friggin hot!!!
  5. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Its funny that they are pretty much the only ones accepting pre-orders.. I couldn't find any other website doing so. Does seem a bit dodgy and never heard of them before. I wouldn't ever order from them..
  6. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I found this! would these guys simply be jumping the gun a little or would this be legit? Has anyone seen any other sites already advertising pre-orders for the Monster?
  7. yeah I have decided im definitely going to pass on this one. I do really like the VF-4 but only for its fighter mode and I have an original Yamato example so that will do me. I'd rather put the money aside for the Hi-Metal R Monster instead..
  8. well of course YOU have to buy one cos everyone is expecting a review of it!
  9. had a quick look at Dimension W and it looks pretty good! The girl in it reminds me of Ranka!
  10. box art does look ok but don't think its gonna be enough to change my mind about not buying one..
  11. I bought both of mine from ebay. Cost me about $150 (AUD) for both including delivery if I remember correctly. I wanted to find and display the other but I think its buried in other boxes under other boxes.. so too much effort required. hehe! only a bit crappy looking!?!? looks like total sh!te to me!
  12. very cool idea NZEOD! turned out quite well eh!
  13. hehe! ok so its not at all Macross related but it is a Valkyrie!! I stumbled across this little beauty when rummaging through my crap for paperwork.. completely forgot I had it! So I thought I'd put in on display for a bit. The XB-70 has got to be one of my favorite aircraft of all time!
  14. the SV-262 fighter mode does look very cool but im liking the more traditional look of the 31 fighter mode, yet I gotta admit that im still a wee bit concerned that they haven't shown us the 262's other modes yet for what ever reason hopefully not being damage control..
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    In 1:60 scale it would stand nearly 40cm high!! How friggin awesome would it be!! Not quite as big as a coffee table but you'd probably want to display it on one! Id be all for it!
  16. mate! you're a model / kit making machine! you always seem to be doing something one after the other! and im sure your Lancer kit will turn out great!
  17. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I certainly hope its soon! Im eager to get one secured! I've wanted a HWR-00-MKII Monster for sooo many years now and the wait is finally over! Its just a shame it never came in 1:60 scale.. but the Hi-Metal R version will suffice.
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Any word on when pre orders open for the Monster?
  19. agreed!
  20. Erased is fantastic! Absolutely loving it!
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