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Everything posted by spanner

  1. wow that is a very sane price indeed! Why it hasn't been snapped up already is quite strange!?
  2. Didn't think so..
  3. Jason mentioned previously that he was starting to box up the 1:72 kits so I'd imagine they will be shipping very soon if not already. But that is for Jason to confirm..
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    the MK1's claws are cool but for me it HAS to be the MK2 with the arm missile launches!
  5. im kinda pressed for space and was thinking of possible places to display the drone which im thinking will look best flying above both the 19 & 21.. might have to swap out the display stands for the shorter ones in order to make room. Really looking forward to getting this thing! hehe! yeah best of luck with that!
  6. bugger.. broken already. Possible durability concerns perhaps?
  7. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    yeah true.. all respects to the Konig of course.
  8. wow your good! thanks mate!
  9. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    its absolutely no contest! the win easily goes to the HWR!
  10. speaking of anime.. does anyone know where this character is from??
  11. im liking the box art. has a very 80's style look to it. The pilot figure looks like a hastily painted blob of chewing gum from under a school desk. But in fairness to ET most other Valkyrie toy pilot figures have been poor to marginal. The overall look of the toy from JV's photos it appears fairly reasonable and I commend ET for their efforts but in saying that it still is far from up to scratch with toys from Arcadia and Bandai. And a little too distant from the line art for my liking. It definitely has an unpainted assembly kit look to it and the fit and finish is rather subpar. Certain in your face details such as the upper chest plate locking tabs are a shame they didn't hide or design those out of site and the underside in fighter mode is way to blocky / busy compared to the more slender design in the line art. It will be interesting to see some dynamic poses and gauge its abilities. But I guess the most important thing with this toy is that its been finally done for the pleasure of the fans but I think I speak for most here when I say that we hope for a refined or redesigned toy in the future or even something from the other big two toy manufactures.
  12. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe!! that's hilarious!
  13. perfectly happy with my sole Yammie example!
  14. if I recall wasn't the Buick NGX capable of a sub 5 second 0-60 and a 13 second quarter!? and for a fraction of the money!
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! don't ever change McFly! don't ever change..
  16. yep! hehe! and I got a few bucks extra per hour pay rise too! sweet! though sadly its not enough to start going crazy buying more Macross stuffs.. ok back to topic.
  17. being a (reasonably) hard core Trekkie, I did this very action last week at the news my (prick of a) boss accepted a transfer to a new location! good riddance!
  18. That is cool! The SS is not but the 2J definitely is! I definitely much prefer the VF-2J over the SS.. If they were to ever learn from the SS and make the 2J then depending on how good it turned out I'd definitely buy one! I didn't want to bring religion into it but amen to that! third'd, fouth'd and fith'd! hehe!
  19. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! you know I was going to write something pretty much along the same sorta lines but held back and kept it more serious! I hope this doesn't sound silly and im not trying to intentionally bash on the things but in a way I find the Konig Monster to be a bit of an insult to the original Destroid Monster! When I first saw them in Frontier I thought the idea of it and how it looked were kinda crap and all these years later I still haven't taken a liking to them. I know there are a lot of guys out there who love the things so please don't take this personally but I feel that it just never really needed to happen.. There were enough transforming mecha as it is and the Konig's came across like overkill. The HWR-00-MKII Destroid Monster on the other hand is a raw pure unadulterated classic and a very special piece of work! I instantly fell head over heals in love with them at first site and they even rival the top spot against my all time favorite Macross mecha the VF-1. I have always dreamed of a 1:60 scale version but the incoming Hi-Metal version will more than do for now. Even at around 1:100 scale it will be almost 25cm tall which is going to be big enough to gaze in awe at and enjoy! Man I cant wait to get my hands on this baby and for me anyways this things might just be the release of 2016! Depending if we see any Delta Valks this year or not and how good they end up turning out..
  20. hmmm she's nice!
  21. maybe they'll release a v2 version down the track with all the fixes like Yamato & Bandai have done..
  22. some F-15 porn!
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