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Everything posted by spanner

  1. that is a beautiful photo Lolicon! softy toned yet striking! im still eyeballing one of these stands for these exact two Valks!
  2. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    without turning this into a religious discussion but.. amen to that!
  3. dang that sucks.. sorry to hear of your misfortune. Even unopened untouched original examples are still susceptible to breakage sadly so many of these are relegated to the "do not transform" basket. But still a beautiful thing to display in fighter mode nevertheless. Have you got any or going to get any of the Arcadia renewals?
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    so many Regult boxes! nice!
  5. @garyboy.. nice! and there's a bit of fan service going on there too! extra nice! and she's cute!
  6. great find Distancepro! that's how you want those originals to be! congrats!
  7. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

  8. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    wow! that's pretty rich of CDJ..
  9. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Just did some quick measurements of my display cabinets and the 40cm guns are going to cause an issue! And if it does just squeeze in then it will be taking a whole shelf on its own! Might have to finally get round to that custom lexan display box idea..
  10. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    you can do either im told.. depending on your payment method though. It should say on the website somewhere or someone will confirm it.
  11. I finally found the time to watch this and even though it wasn't terrible, it wasn't great either and I certainly never thought it would be Oscar material either! Still haven't seen the new Star Wars film yet..
  12. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Just thought i'd pay for my Monster and get that side of it done and dusted.. now to figure where this thing is gonna go! Even for a 1:100 Hi-Metal toy, its gonna be huge!!! im not a fan of SAL as I have had a few issues with that method in the past but others will swear by it! I guess the good thing for me was it wasn't an option with NY..
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    wow sold out at NY already! but they still up at AmiAmi.. but for how long is the question.. Now up at HLJ.. You have to apply for them and they give you a discount percentage depending on your account experience or something along those lines..
  14. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Tee Hee !! you know me so well.. but the same principal doesn't apply with this Mecha cos it doesn't transform so I wont need multiples to display in each mode cos there's only one mode! hehe!
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't really want to use NY but I thought bugger it and pre-ordered 1 with them.. Postage was 4000yen.. I'll think about a 2nd
  16. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    its up at NY.. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/15995-hi-metal-r-hwr-00-mkii-destroid-monster.html
  17. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    im eagerly watching most of the more popular websites (with HLJ being the preferred) but im yet to decide how many I want..
  18. I never did think much of the Veyron but yeah im not minding the new Bugatti Chiron at all actually! Similar theme to the original but much nicer and more aggressive looks! I approve!
  19. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh my! that yamato 1/60 Regult is mighty impressive!!
  20. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool thanks! I'll be home by then!
  21. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    So the pre orders for the HWR are meant to open some time today (japan time obviously) but anyone know roughly what time they usually open for Hi-Metal stuff? I seem to recall something about 4pm-ish?? I could be wrong though..
  22. that looks sweet as!
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