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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    that's awesome and hilarious! but I feel everytime I log into this forum its like opening up this very fortune cookie!
  2. I know eh! its a beauty ain't it!
  3. my latest pickup! although pale in comparison to macsam's Arcadia Gun Pod of course.. noeljm helped me find this 1/6 Hikaru pilot figure which I think will go nicely with my DYRL collection of Valkyries! photo courtesy of noeljm..
  4. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

  5. woah!!! congrats on what has to be one of the finest "holy grail" of Macross purchases!! That if pure epic epicness right there! Man I want one of these things sooo badly! Im mega jealous! Be sure to show us it working once you get batteries!
  6. this is fantastic! great work! it looks completely believable!
  7. blah.. it was bad enough that there was a chunky dressed up as Jetfire but who in their right mind would convert one into a transformer.. yuck.
  8. so they now gonna release cardboard cut outs of Zentraedi characters??
  9. ahhh I see.. I was wondering why the price had changed again.. cool
  10. and now sold for 27k.. didn't last long as you would expect!
  11. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    cool looking Hikaru figure.. check! Thanks Noel!
  12. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    ahh cool! thanks for that! will check it out!
  13. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    YIKES!!! that's expensive!!! even free postage seems pretty wafer thin..
  14. I know tell me about it! its gonna be a struggle to save money now especially with my overseas trip coming up and everything else that life seems to be throwing at me in between.. Delta is gonna be painful! lol!
  15. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    or feed it after midnight and or get it wet?? hehe!
  16. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    That sure is a cool looking Hikaru figure! are they still available anywhere? I wouldn't mind finding one as long as it wasn't too expensive..
  17. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    hehe! yep ur right!
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    the shark mouth looks wicked! gives it a really nasty angry look!
  19. it does indeed look fantastic! he did a superb job on it! all it needs (technically nothing but..) is some metal etched detail up parts (which sadly don't exist to the best of my knowledge) to replace certain parts that shouldn't look too plasticky such as engine exhaust nozzles etc etc.
  20. my girlfriend briefly owned a 2004?? Mazda 3 MPS which I think is the same thing but sold down here in Australia and that was a great car! Shame it was only FWD but still bloody quick! She had it for about 6 or so months before it was written off.. not her fault. A removal truck side swiped it whilst parked and it was deemed a write off. She then got a Golf GTi which also was a mad little car!
  21. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    from my guesstimates that would stand around half a meter tall!!
  22. that's a brilliant idea!! *also lines up*
  23. ahhh... yeeeaaahhh well you see I wouldn'all but I just spent the last of my hobby money paying for the HWR... Postage to Australia sucks.. we always get stung from pretty much everywhere..
  24. spanner

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    I know eh! hehe! its threads like these that really p!ss you off after you open it only to find just more pointless random comments and nothing of anything particularly juicy or interesting! So back to the 1:35 VF-1 topic.. I mean c'mon Bandai what the efff! give us something more already!
  25. yes throw it in the garbage! says whilst hiding behind the garbage bin..
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