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  1. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh my gosh yeah! now that is one pretty plane! looks like i may indeed be buying only the 31A after all! hubba hubba!
  2. so I take it that NY has a whole bunch of these they cant sell sitting around collecting dust and want to clear them out!? maybe if they further reduce it to under 10k yen I might just pick one up.. key word here is "might"
  3. just add this below the other one! hehe!
  4. they look gorgeous! beautiful work!
  5. you see! now that's what they should have released them priced at! Much more reasonable and a better reflection to the toys actual quality. Still would I have bought one? hmmm probably not..
  6. has there been any update on a release date for these at all? I want my Cheyenne now dammit!
  7. an Arcadia v3 VF-1 definitely not! Im absolutely content with the v2 with all their good and (few) bad points..Besides there isn't that much wrong with a v2 that's really spoiling the toy for me personally. But yes to re-issues! There are some I'd love to have a few more of such as a whole Angel Birds display team for example! More cannon fodders to make up squadron numbers and a keepers set of Max & Milia, or even a SDF-1! I don't hold out too much hope for this and the fact I can't function in everyday life too well with my fingers crossed continually.. A Bandai DX VF-1 toy would be interesting indeed and im sure it would be relatively easy for Bandai to simply upscale their HM-R VF-1 to 1:60 with improvements and DX build quality or better! But do I want this to happen considering I already have an extensive collection of Arc & Yam VF-1 toys!? maybe not so.. The general vibe I feel is that the better majority want a DX toy to appear.. I don't mind the odd cross brand variant such as the YF-19 & VF-19 Isamu Valks for example but costs and affordability factors come into play when essentially duplicate lines of the same stuff from different manufactures become available. I know that might not be the case for some but the greater majority simply cannot invest thousands upon thousands into toy collections simply because a manufacturer decides to flex its muscles and take over the market. Needless to say If Bandai did release DX VF-1 toys there is no doubt they would be $200 or greater.
  8. are you guys referring to the APC on its own or the one that comes with the Cheyenne dropship? The stand along APC is larger than the one that comes with the dropship. if not then forget I mentioned anything..
  9. I ordered the drop ship only.. as it comes with its own scale APC! cant wait!
  10. Loved the Celica's of the late 80's and early 90's! Especially this model pictured below.. My girlfriend imported an earlier model. This was before I knew her and she said she wishes she never sold it.. not her exact car but but this very model. My cousin had one of these from new and back then I never really thought much of it at all then but in the last few years they have kinda grown on me. Probably not or ever enough for me to want to buy one but still the interest is there. And my father had an original shape MR2 for years! Best car he ever owned he says! He did a few things to it including suspension, bracing, engine mods with a 5valve head, race seat, cab cage to name a few but when he let it go it was getting long in the tooth with over 200,000 miles (UK car) and re-occurring rust issues. A care he sorely misses.
  11. Finished watching Erased which was really good! It did start to trail off a bit in the last few episodes and I feel it did end a bit too abruptly but it was still a pleasure to watch. Back on to Tokyo Ghoul!
  12. and that im not paying a cent for it either which is a right bonus!
  13. im glad im not into Transformers and that Shockwave is the only one I kinda actually like. Too much bickering about the finer details between the real and knock off toys..
  14. I guess using the Advance does kinda make more sense seeing that Maacross 30 is further in the future and all that..
  15. gahh! this always happens to me.. and I was so excited about this..
  16. I may have mentioned that my cousin is giving me a Cloud 9 Quakeblast (Shockwave) for my 40th but my recent bump to the head has made me a little more stupid than normal so apologies.. As I've mentioned a few times previously im really not a Transformers fan at all but Shockwave has always been a personally favorite and when I saw his Quakeblast on display I thought it was mega cool! So he said he'd get one for me! Though I have to admit i am feeling a little dirty and guilty about getting excited for this thing seeing im such a gung ho Macross fan.. then the next obstacle to overcome is do I and where to display the bloody thing?? Why does life have to be so friggin hard!?!?
  17. agreed! but.. only if it was either an Arcadia YF-19 or a DX VF-19 Advance.. preferably the Arcadia.
  18. hehe! saving money is for pussy's! spend spend spend is my motto! and if you don't have money of your own to spend then spend someone else's! Congrats mate!
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