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Everything posted by spanner

  1. awww! cute teeny wittle droid!
  2. so explain it to me again as to why the hell there is a pink tinge to these things??
  3. oh was the original also pink-ish?? I never bought one and wasn't aware at all.. like I said, screw you Arcadia
  4. dammit! more pink tones.. screw you Arcadia. might have been excusable with the VF-1J but on a Roy Valk it ain't gonna stick.
  5. to be honest I was hoping they would just re-issue the super parts on their own rather than as a bundle which would ultimately cost more.. besides the box in the twitter photos looks to small to be a bundle.. and yes we don't need another Roy Valk..although the other release was the movie version so this would most likely be a TV ver. The white does look very white..
  6. I wonder if that would be the "different" he was talking about? in a way I kinda welcome a departure from the norm simply to shake things up a bit! after all you would expect other colony's or races potentially having a different approach / ideology to fighter design. dang I cant wait to see this thing!
  7. original or re-issue it does look identical to my yammie.. could have been one out of storage just for photo purposes? And the VF-1J GBP re-issue toy does look noticeably more pink-ish than the orignial for comparative purposes.. it also mentions April on the twitter page if that is an indication when pre-orders are due to open perhaps?
  8. just comparing to the one I have on display the skull logo appears to be in the very same position so yeah no tweaking sadly..
  9. total madness! this project is gonna be of epic proportions when done!
  10. Very nice! fp stands work great for this eh!
  11. actually that is an exceptional suggestion! he did say it was going to be different. Could very well be the reason why we still haven't seen the other modes as yet!
  12. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

  13. nice!
  14. no
  15. that popping & crackling from the anti-lag sure does make a savage racket eh! How does that system actually work??
  16. hehe! nice one! im glad to see i have an influence on someone at least!
  17. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah it certainly will be hard to not want to buy all of them that's for sure! for me personally im just not in as good a position as I was 12 to 18 months ago but I definitely have some serious thinking and planning to do in the next 6 months if I do decide to buy the lot. It does look like it is "01" doesn't it.. so that one is meant to be a cannon fodder variant yes or no? im still a little confused by it all. also trying to find somewhere to watch the 2nd episode.. with subs..
  18. no dammit! it must cost next to nothing or free before I give in! hehehe!
  19. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    you seem to know me too well then! hehe!
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