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Everything posted by spanner

  1. love that little cubby hole for your pc!
  2. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Is it just me or does the HMR VF-1A CF have a very Yamato v1 look about it!?
  3. I have lost out a few times from hesitating so I figured I'd jump on it as soon as I saw it! Yeah the box is very minty! no damage or creases anywhere! It was listed as opened but the Valkyrie itself still had the sleeves over the wings, the sticky tape over the front gear doors and the plastic cover the front gear wheels! Looks like it was never removed from the packaging! win win for me!
  4. that is gorgeous!!!
  5. that is very nice! she looks very tastefully done!
  6. hehe! sorry to snatch it from under you bro!
  7. no just the one. There is another with the super parts but its too expensive for my liking.. The Yui I have is the only Figma figure I actually like. I have wanted to buy a statue figure of her but haven't got around to it yet.. too much else to spend money on getting in the way! lol!
  8. @VF-19 that is a beautiful ship model! always had a soft spot for ocean liners!
  9. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    looking at that picture again it would appear that the 31 as a whole is on a more nose down angle compared to the others which might be exaggerating the nose droop appearance?? would you agree?
  10. yeah I suppose it would! well almost all of it.. although kinda gross at first, I have grown to like it! somewhat I put the new brownie with the flying display!
  11. Thanks guys! The Canaan figure has to be one of my favorites of my anime figures and Yui is too cute not to have on display!
  12. @barurutor.. I can only hope or assume that you are joking! @sh9000 customizing is a great idea but I lack the skill, time and patience to attempt it so sadly that's not on the table as far as options go..
  13. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yes I agree. And yes the canopy does look a lot sleeker than its predecessors..
  14. What bugged me was the whole catfish shenanigans which I feel were silly and completely unnecessary.. the singing still kinda irks me a little but im coping with it easy enough I guess.. Though its nothing like M7 thankfully! I just wanna see more Valkyrie on Valkyrie action!
  15. I voted positive for ep3 but only b'cos of the VF-1EX action! I officially give Bandai my blessing to make them both in a DX version! (but strictly only those two VF-1) So Noel you'll have to (kinda) update you signature now! hehe! yes she's a cutie when angry!
  16. you like that huh! I had actually been considering removing the GBP parts from the CF-1J and fitting them on something else but hadn't made up my mind as to which one..
  17. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The VF-31 definitely has the nicest nose profile of the three. With the 30 they removed the nose droop completely giving it a more conventional look but brought it back with the 31. Normally I don't particularly like the forward canopy frame (F-2 v F-16 for example) but I think it works well on the later Valkyrie designs especially on the 31.
  18. yeah the canopy is great! all three of my TV CF's have the rainbow canopy, whether that's just coincidence or they were meant to be like that but most of my other VF-1's seem more random when it comes to the canopy coloring/shading. I would very much like to collect a lot more of the original Yamato v2 VF-1 line as I feel them to be much more of collectors items than the Arcadia re-issues. Of course the Arcadia toys will be great also but the Yamato toys have much more appeal for me. I still am considering picking up the Arcadia VF-1S+SP re-issue but im only really wanting the Super Parts only.. I guess I'll see how I feel when that comes about..
  19. one down and one to go! and for a condition "A" this thing is MINT!
  20. Dang those things are gorgeous! And a considerable size too!
  21. spanner


    I wish i had found my 11c at a reasonable price.. I got ripped royally! LOL! But a quick glance at it as i type this sure makes me glad i bought it!
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