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Everything posted by spanner

  1. sweeet! hey Vasquez.. have you ever been mistaken for a man!? no.. have you?
  2. Unless the line art has been resized a bit too narrow then yeah the actual toy parts are too fat in places.. hope this is only a early prototype pic and will be or has been corrected.Those shoulder pod things definitely aren't right..
  3. the 262 has been a rather nice surprise for a change than previous Valkyrie designs. Its gerwalk & battroid also have a very SV-51 vibe happening! Also that's a cool Skyline from whoever it belongs to..
  4. although I have seen cutaway drawings of the VF-1 which do show a fan forward of the gerwalk joint which kinda puzzles to why its actually there? Having the engines located within the lower legs would make the engine fans difficult or next to impossible to physically see. Also seeing that the VF-1 and later Valkyrie can operate in the vacuum of space makes one wonder why there would be the need for fans at all? Yes having intakes does make Valkyrie's look a little more like conventional engine'd fighter aircraft, not to mention look way cooler but it begs the question as to how these engines actually meant to work in the first place? Its a question I have been confronted with over the years by many Macross haters with never a solid answer to give.. it does kinda spoil it for me too also which is why I keep the covers fitted to all my Valkyrie. I think the best way its been done is with the VF-27 having a darker recessed area giving the impression of the intake tract. Yes it could have been made to be a little more recessed seeing its not part of the upper leg joint area as with the VF-25.. The worst way its been done is with the SV-51! those intakes look horrendous! Spoil what typically is a gorgeous thing in fighter mode!
  5. My son loves dinosaurs! The Velociraptor especially! I'll definitely be showing him these!
  6. spanner

    Macross figures

    The Freyja figure is very cute!
  7. hehehe!! I really didn't think that one over very well eh.. I should have name them the Tan Gang! Then again even that sounds pretty dodgy too..
  8. that looks awesome! and very dangerous! very nice surface details! congrats!
  9. agreed! I do prefer a more plastic feel to the Valkyrie toys which is a big factor in the appeal of the Yamato / Arcadia toys. I feel many of the DX toys didn't need the use of die-cast or at least not as much as they had.
  10. You're welcome buddy!
  11. Thanks guys!
  12. This kinda gives off the same vibe as that crappy space movie Sharlto Copley was in.. Europa Report. Pass
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! they have it listed as a "VF-01A" made me giggle.. *insert "crickets chirping" sound here..*
  14. so does that mean that the original Alto 29 release shoulder pad markings are correct? Mine is in fighter mode and im simply not willing nor could be bothered transforming it (even only partially) to check.. oh well.. what does it matter anyways.
  15. hmmm this looks rather interesting! Might have to give this a look!
  16. The Cream Team! Gathered all the Kaki's and the Jay for a photo shoot by request.. Lookin pretty smart I reckon!
  17. Holy smokes Kicker!!! you put us all to shame.. impressive, most impressive!
  18. really!? sorry no room to move the 11C into this display..
  19. I cant quite remember bcos M7 caused me a little drain bramage but did Gamlin fly all 3 of these variants?? Then yeah this is my awesome Gamlin display!
  20. Great shot Treatment! You nailed it!
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