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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Dang that looks fantastic! I wonder if there is a .gif of throwing gold bars instead of cash!? I don't think cash alone is going to be enough!
  2. ahhh.. I see. Never knew that. Not sure I like the albino version..
  3. I don't know how I haven't noticed it until now but do the arms actually stick out so far down in the 48's fighter mode!? or hasn't it been properly transformed?
  4. spanner

    Macross figures

    i'd love to get one but she's pretty pricey for such a small figure.. and if I start with her then I'll need to get all the other characters too!
  5. Although I didn't mind watching them, I have to say I feel the same way about them. I think fresh story lines with no need for callbacks to the original movies would have benefited them greatly. Even if it made them more like alternate timeline / universe movies. Benedict Cumberbatch is such an amazing and talented actor that even though his performance was great but ultimately wasted on a rehash of Khan's character.. Fingers crossed for the third movie!
  6. I didn't catch on to her until her later albums but yeah she's incredibly talented! But I draw the line with Katy Perry.. simply NOT a fan.. at all.. yes the 80's rocks! especially the motor racing! and its a shame we didn't see her in some role or another in the film.. maybe she'll pop up in something else!?
  7. loving the Vasquez figure! but why is the bitey tongue thing on the alien so long?? that's not right is it?
  8. you're getting good at this gundam! great photos! I really like that last one with the HMR in the background!
  9. @noel.. you have my blessing mate! Go for it! @sh9000.. hehe! I never actually thought of it that way! But the colors make prefect sense! Shame he gets killed off before getting his upgrade..
  10. All sounds good! Thanks for the update Jason!
  11. Regult photobomb..
  12. what the 48's have going for them is their large size and fighter mode proportions which are superior to the 1:60 cousins.. 12 years of ownership! well done mate! Congrats!
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    it should be about as tall as a battroid VF-1 at least but that camera angle doesn't really do the thing justice.. Im sure it'll be an impressive thing once we actually get our hands on it!
  14. Hey Jason, Its been a couple of weeks since your last update and was curious to hear how things are going with the 1:60 kits..? Looking forward to any news!
  15. awww! I loved Megaforce when I was a kid! It was only a few years ago I got hold of a copy to watch it again to confirm what I had expected for years of how bad this movie actually is! Its sooo bad its awesome! and one for the list of most terrible movies I have come across in a considerable amount of time.. The Amazing Bulk! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1788453/
  16. crikey!!! am I counting that correctly!?!? 21x VF-171! I think that's a record for the most amount of a single variant I have ever seen! awesome collection!
  17. im expecting my wallets divorce papers in the mail any day now..
  18. this looks really good! the manga is quite good too! hope the movie actually does happen!
  19. cool 3d printed GE engine. do yourselves a favor and skip to 40 seconds to avoid the garbage music.. why ppl feel it necessary to add music like this is beyond me.
  20. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

  21. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! perfect timing! my birthday is about two weeks before so it'll be a late birthday present to me! hopefully they ship it early!
  22. been giving it some more thought and I reckon I will need a 3rd VF-0S for these so if they do actually release it as a bundle or the option then all good!
  23. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    And three months till the Monster! given that it does actually release end of July.. This one im really busting for!
  24. The 1:72 kits proportions do look pretty good but some parts are still a little too big. I know nothing can ever truly match the line art which does look rather slender by comparison but im much preferring its smaller chest plate section over the prototypes & 1:72 kit parts.. Yes I have to agree the Arcadia VF-0 does look like its drowning in its RA parts. And there are a few design errors going on. Even if they adjust the proportions to match the look of the 1:72 kit then I'd be perfectly happy with that.
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