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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I just bent them back by hand.. maybe i should have used hot water to soften them first but I was a little impatient at the time. The only issue being is that I made a small stress mark in the plastic on one side during the bending process.. its not very noticeable but only upon closer inspection. Not sure how the plastics would react to hot water though..
  2. that's fantastic! nice work!
  3. wowzers! that's the most aggressive quick (non tethered) landing of any fighter jet I have ever seen! and to do an about face and jetting off again is just as impressive! Kudos to the Swedes!
  4. man that looks the bollocks! nice work!
  5. all good!
  6. oh for friggs sake! really!?!? i'll definitely be checking mine when I get home.. I got three of em.. exactly!!
  7. Very nice pics Saburo! I wasn't able to grab the 2nd pic.. says its no longer available??
  8. ahh bugger! so they haven't actually cancelled the sale or issued a refund? hope it does come through ok!
  9. it is a bit of a blobby mess isn't it.. from the photos you took it would seem that yours is worse than mine! awww I loved Nausicaa! Gee I must watch that again! I wonder how long it will take for someone to fix the minor issues and do a repaint! oh and I forgot to mention that mine was shipped international..
  10. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    from what I can tell it looks like they attach on to or near the vertical stabilizer root..
  11. Bugger eh.. tisk tisk Airbus.
  12. that looks sensational Saburo! any chance of you sharing those wallpaper files?
  13. oh! has the A400M development now lost its way.. that's a shame as it was meant to have had a lot of potential! oh well..
  14. looks pretty good to me! nice work!
  15. hehe! we have another guinea pig! or should I have said "crash test dummy".. geez im certainly hoping this is legit!
  16. on the other hand, Battlefield 1 looks ok.. ahh crap did I just say that out loud!?
  17. I think the main thing with this toy is that it was cheap.. but I guess I had my expectations set a little too high. In the end I don't mind so much about its deficiencies as it looks ok sitting on my desk but what did annoy somewhat more so was the cost of shipping. At about 1.5 times the cost of the toy itself and packaged in a box so unnecessarily large that no doubt didn't help in keeping the postage costs down.. And I also had to straighten the rear winglets as they were flopping down. I though it was due to fitting inside the packaging but when I straightened them out I placed the toy back in the packaging and the wings don't touch anything.
  18. collecting any of these wouldn't necessarily be scale dependant as I would only pick up what tickles my fancy but this massive Prime figure is giving me butterflies! yes it would appear that way but I guess we can just wait and see how Mechinyun's purchase pans out.. fingers crossed eh cos if all goes well then I'll be up for one or a couple for sure! a KO-KO toy! hehe! if it actually is a legit non KO of the KO toy then that price is just insane! I haven't seen any MPP-10 going for less than $99 usd.. my cousin has a Cloud9 Quakeblast coming for me for my 40th and he has a spare MPP-10 figure he said he's happy to give me also! He also has a few RMX-01 Jaguar (Ravage) coming and I might even score one of them also! I think that recent bump to my head is causing some serious mental implications as I never really cared much for Transformers yet this is all happening! yikes! hehe! this wallet destruction animation gets some pretty high mileage! but its relevance is absolute! I think I speak for all of us here when I say we are all definitely eagerly awaiting the outcome of this!
  19. this is a cRaZy good shot!! loving the new etching designs too!
  20. episode 6 was pretty good! this may sound a little silly to some but I found watching Delta at about 90% playback speed helps keep track of the subtitles and still keep an eye on the action! and the characters voices don't sound slow or slurred at all. much easier to watch.
  21. i know eh! although it might look good next to my (incoming) Cloud 9 Quakeblast! but for friggs sake im not starting up a new line of figures..
  22. I have to admit, that KO version is mighty impressive for a TF toy! impressive enough to consider buying one?? hmmm.. that im not so sure of though..
  23. a very friendly & influential community it is!
  24. good job mate! your skull collection looks great! and to everyone else.. nice purchases too!
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