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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Macross figures

    she is eh! And.. nahh im gonna keep Hikaru boxed up! Heck he is still sealed minty fresh in the box! Besides he's way too tall to fit anywhere! maybe if I had Detolf cabinets he'd fit..
  2. hehe! I think that's it exactly!
  3. spanner

    Macross figures

    dug out my little Minmay and put her back on display! if I remember correctly she was my very first Macross girl or anime girl figure for that matter! So cute!
  4. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    looks like you're gonna need a bigger boat shelf!
  5. I only asked as when I had my anime girls out on display and I only ever had clothed figures, nothing nude or what could be considered too revealing but still got a lot of "that's just weird' or "you're a perv" or generally negative comments.. Aside needing the space they were occupying, it was part of the reason why I removed them from display..
  6. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    dancing Valk's... I knew I should have kept my big stupid mouth shut.
  7. tell me.. don't you think its a little awkward having revealing figures like these on display when people come round to visit?? unless those people who come round are also into figures like these?? or.. you simply don't ever have people come round to your house..?
  8. when does the full sound track usually get released for Macross series these days?
  9. Me like!
  10. well mate you definitely have a talent and I love your work!
  11. Awesome! lookin forward to seeing more of your creations! so far your pictures are dominating my work & home pc's and mobile phone!
  12. looking at my 30's I think having the logo flipped on one side kinda works actually! Seeing they are always visible regardless of what ever mode you're in then they are easily readable.. or at least that's the way I see it..
  13. hehe! im really the only one who does it at my work. Im always changing my desktop wallpaper sometimes once a day or several times a week.. Others here either have the standard windows desktop image (rolling hills or fancy windows logo) while others have photos of their pets or children.. boring! A few guys occasionally walk past my pc just to see what I have changed the picture too! its quite funny actually!
  14. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    (1) so does that then classify it as parts forming?? (2) as do I..
  15. that's a lovely pic! Freyja looking super cute and a little older as a mum! She's quickly becoming one of my favorite female Macross characters!
  16. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the more I see them (re-watching ep6 over & over) the more im liking them actually!
  17. daaannnggg! this is coming along very nicely indeed! cannot wait to see more!
  18. the battroid pic is now my work pc wallpaper!
  19. wow! and I thought it was expensive getting stuff sent from the USA to Aus!
  20. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe! true! but im not sure how good the organ black market actually is at the moment.. I know eh! and here I was actually considering (somehow!?!?) getting back to the race track on the motorcycle! nahh cup noodles too expensive.. flour and water is better!
  21. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    ok its official! I have decided that I will be buying each and every Delta Valkyrie variant of both VF-31 and Sv-262! And maybe even multiples of the CF variants! Heck you only live once eh!
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