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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Existing releases.. The gun pod and the 1/3000 SDF-1. I'd like to have more Angel Birds to display a full team. And a fan racer! Maybe the re-issue 19-Kai with the gold paint?? But im kinda meh about that as the original is still fine. Maybe another VF-1D.. I also want more cannon fodder variants such as the 1A, 1J, 25A, 27B and 171CF all purely for numbers.. Future releases.. (stuff not pre-ordered yet) 1:35 VF-1! All the Delta Valks!
  2. indeed he is! that is one of the Yamato build kits (no painting ver. ) with a head unit from "Macross The First" version of the VF-1J designed by MWF member Kurisama and made by Shapeways. MWF member Lancelot did the build for me! Turned out pretty bloody good eh!
  3. absolutely lovin this MPP-10 Prime!!! dwarfs my MTF VF-1J!
  4. that Grimlock is the last one in the set of five yes? My cousin has three of the Dinobots and just bought a Swoop so im gonna go see them again when I get back from Europe.
  5. Those Dinobots are some seriously sweet bits of kit but that Ravage gives me butterflies! ♡♡♡ Gorgeous photos Saburo!
  6. The v1.5 VF-27 are a great piece! Even if they aren't quite up to v2 VF-25 standards.. I've been considering getting another Grace variant to have displayed as a cannon fodder fighter. Multiples!?!? Not sure I can manage or am keen on that idea especially on a line I don't have plans to steadily collect.. Though I wouldn't mind another MPP-10 to keep boxed up for keeps! I need to stop looking at stuff cos the Ocular Max Sphinx does look pretty sweet! Gahhh!! must.stop.this.craziness! =O
  7. cool looking Getter! those claws give it a Wolverine kinda vibe!
  8. the MPP-10 (KO) would've benefited greatly from both double jointed knee's and elbows or at very least the elbows for more interesting arm and gun holding poses, but its still is very good nonetheless. I just wish the fingers were a little more articulated.. I was up early this morning so I had a play around with it! such a fun toy!
  9. oh yeah.. this was meant to come with a free Autobot symbol for the left shoulder but didn't.. hopefully the seller sends a replacement.
  10. I have had a peak at the FansToys Dinobots and they do look very cool! And the Ocular Max Jaguar (aka Ravage) which also looks pretty bad ass! but I seriously need put the brakes on things! oh dear.. the snow ball has already started rolling hasn't it! and its already growing in size! I had the very same feeling towards the 171 for quite some time also but after I got my first one from Scream Man the appeal very quickly began to grow and now I am actually very fond of them! At least give one a try and see how you feel. You can always off load it if necessary. Hey how's this then.. if you buy a 171-CF and find you still don't like it then I will buy it off you. So you already have a funds recovery back up plan! But I'll only buy the CF.. wouldn't mind a third in my collection! Im not so sure about the trailer as im pretty sure (at this stage anyways) that I will be keeping my MPP-10 in robot mode. Truck mode looks ok I guess but not as good as I was hoping. But of course we'll see what happens and how I feel.. I know eh! for a knock off it certainly does put the original itss based on to shame! If I was someone important at Takara and I saw the MPP-10 then I'd sure as hell want answers as to why some cheaper copy was far superior and heads would roll that's for sure! When I had a closer look at my cousins Takara toy it put simply felt like the cheaper inferior toy. Kinda gets you wondering how a "private company" was able to produce such a quality product over the "big boys" eh! do I smell a conspiracy!? Absolutely! its articulation is extremely impressive! and for such a blocky toy in places, it even puts some of the more advanced Valkyrie toys to shame! or at least a good run for their money.. hehe! thanks Noel! I knew you had my back! but yeah still on the fence about the trailer.. Prime looks awesome in robot mode (is there an actual Transformers specific name for robot mode??) compared to vehicle mode so if I have no plans of transforming him then I don't see the need for the trailer.. And yes Saburo definitely needs to have a go at photographing a 171! I gave him an "exit" strategy option if he ends up not liking the 171 too!
  11. phantom post!? not sure what happened here.. weird.
  12. It certainly took a while to arrive (from China via slow ass post) but this came today! Now before anyone gets too excited or confused, I have definitely NOT converted, I won't be starting a Transformers collection, nor will I be selling of any of my Valkyries! But DANG! this thing is friggin AWESOME!!! its HUGE!!! and an absolute pleasure to handle and pose! Its also built really well and has a lot of nice surface details! All I can say is im extremely impressed with it! Especially compared to my cousins Takara MP-10 Prime which clearly this thing absolutely kills it and for at least a third the money! Its just so much fun to play with! My only minor gripe really are the hands which don't have enough articulation. I know you can get aftermarket hands with better articulation for the MP-10 but here's hoping someone makes them for the MPP-10 at some stage.. But other than that this is such a great toy! I do also have a Cloud9 Quakeblast incoming which is a gift from my cousin for my 40th birthday! which I think I have mentioned already..
  13. hehe! yeah I got the cup as an early 40th birthday present! also got the matching t-shirt.. like I need reminding that im getting old.. armature display sloppiness.. fixed! thanks bro!
  14. with my recently traded VF-19 Advance from my son, I now have enough to display one in each mode! sweet! dang they are a fiddly thing to get into gerwalk mode.. And im not even sure I have even done it correctly and that's after watching Jenius transformation guide video! my first ever VF-19 in gerwalk mode though! or at least as far as I can remember..
  15. latest arrival thanks to MW member Falcon for this minty fresh sealed VF-171 CF! its sooo nice to have a fresh example which isn't such a floppy mess and relatively manhandleable! new guy is on the right also looking pretty bad ass!
  16. if you are still happy to use the special resin for my built one then yes I'll pay the extra. Just PM me and I'll get payment made asap.
  17. spanner

    Macross figures

    for me in definitely gonna be need every single Delta Valkyrie that comes out so help me god! gotta get my priorities straight! the anime girl figures no longer apply..
  18. spanner

    Macross figures

    affording all the Delta Valks solution..
  19. spanner

    Macross figures

    awww I'd really like a Freyja figure but I've got to stick with my decision not to buy anime girl figures from now on..
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