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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I'm using Chrome on my Note 5 and flick between mobile and desktop modes when needed. its a little irritating at times but it works i guess. Yeah having a great time! Catching up with family and seeing the sites around UK. Tomorrow we starting our road trip into Europe! France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands. Should be mad!
  2. Hehe! Absolutely! although it does suck having to use the mobile phone browser.. and dads old laptop is junk. :/
  3. It's all good mate! I think i can speak for everyone here when i say we are happy to wait and appreciate the info of your progress! Keep it up!
  4. yes it would be nice to restart F-22 production even to double the current inventory but.. sadly I think they have gotten way way way too deep into the financial pit of doom with the F-35 to be able to afford it.. The question is does the USAF need a air dominance fighter to replace the F-15 any more? Something the JSF simply won't be capable of filling those big shoes.
  5. Sounds good! once again thanks for the update Jason!
  6. I found mine on Gumtree UK not too far from my dad's place here in Chester and it is still sealed brand new! The seller wanted 100gbp but i got him down to 70gbp which is about 12k yen. And best of all i can fit in my carry on luggage for the flights home! I saw those ones but they going for cheaper on NY..https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/11411-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-27-lucifer-valkyrie-grace-o-connor-custom-limited-edition.html
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm fine with that as im still in Europe till the end of June and would rather be in front of my pc when the pre orders open..
  8. Decided to add another VF-27b to my collection as a cannon fodder variant.. got it cheap so why not eh! picture courtesy of collectiondx for illustration purposes only..
  9. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Cannon fodder!!! Hells yeah baby! Gonna buy me lots of dem wonz! Woo!
  10. That looks awesome! Id love to have a race suit done in Hikaru TV colors! Simple but still striking. My current suit is more of an Max DYRL color scheme.. kinda..
  11. Weathered edition! Very nice! Congrats David!
  12. I'm gonna go with "A"
  13. Something alone these lines is a pretty safe bet..http://m.ebay.com/itm/Wei-Jiang-TransformersG1-Commander-Masterpiece-MPP10-Optimus-Prime-Reservations-/282046697098?nav=SEARCH
  14. Congrats on your superb purchase! Im absolutely loving mine! Best and most impressive purchase I've made in a while actually!
  15. I guess I wouldn't mind getting Max & Milia's Queadluun eventually..
  16. she looks pretty good in the pink and has a little fan service going on if you look closely enough!
  17. oops must of missed this somehow.. I think he has pretty much everything there is to be had when it comes to TF's but the one's I was referring to were the Fans Toys Dino's! Which clearly look the most impressive out of the lot in my opinion! He mentioned that Grimlock was the final FT Dino coming later this year. But I wasn't aware of Fansproject Dinobots toys.. And female Dinobots eh!? im sure that will be interesting! Hope they do a better job on those than Macross did with Mylene's VF-11 MaxL.. boobs.. shakes head.. And yes there seem to be many 3rd party companies making stuff which makes it a little difficult to keep up with who's doing what! Especially for someone like me who hasn't had a Bee's dicks worth of interest in these things until now.
  18. that look super spunky all panel lined! nice photos Duymon!
  19. hehe! though I think a single of each main characters Valkyrie but definitely doubles (or even triples) of any cannon fodder variants they might release!
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