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Everything posted by spanner

  1. impressive work! seeing this is my all time favorite Valkyrie I would love to have one of mine done the very same way!
  2. I only live about a half hour from Featherdale Wildlife Park.. Its ok haven't been there in years though.. seems to be a very popular touristy kinda place.
  3. thanks for that! yeah its ok but I have been planning on upgrading the led strips to brighter ones and placing more leds in other places to get light into the darker and shadow areas.
  4. Who cares if she did or not.. those look great!
  5. Some planes in display at the National War Museum in Holland.. Best museum I've ever been to!
  6. Is that a cd of the Delta sound track? If it is, where you buy it from?
  7. That looks gorgeous! The new Sukhoi is such a good looking plane! But so was the Flanker before it!
  8. Yeah it does! And has details inside. Looks alright. The pilot figure is like a piece of chewing gum that has been shaped to loosely resemble a humanoid figure and is kinda crap. Also im going to paint on a few extra details like on and around the landing gear..
  9. Stopped at a hotel for the night on our way to Berlin and got a chance to play around with the Spitfire model. Such a lovely little plane! Had to give one of the landing gear a slight bend so it would deploy straight and stowe flush which was easy enough.. looks fab now! The tail wheel falls out when you pick it up so I'll have to add a drop of glue to fix that but no big deal of course.. my dad liked it so much that hes going to buy one on the return trip back to uk. He remembers Spitfires flying over his house when he was young as they lived minutes away from an RAF base. Here are some pics!
  10. Love those knee sliders!
  11. For 8k absolutely! For 30k maybe not.. Hey you wanna sell me your spare!? Hehe!
  12. Congrats! They look fabulous together!
  13. Nice!! Very nice starship collection Derex! I especially love that Olympic class ship! Thats the USS Pasteur yes? From all good things.. Beverly Crusher as ships captain. But i dont see a Miranda or Oberth class ships.. I absolutely love Reliant and Grissom! Can you get them?
  14. Bugger.. they going for around 30k+ yen..
  15. Oh man that is gorgeous! ♡♡♡ the Constitution re-fit class is my all time fav starship! I have the Diamond Select Enterprise toy which is quite nice but its engine nacelles, deflector and hull windows don't light up like the Bandai kit.. I wonder how hard the Bandai kit is to find!? Expensive?
  16. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Dang that is a great shot!
  17. Looks great Saburo! Im gonna hold out for the Fans Toys Grimlock when my cousin gets him and then decide. Then I'll pick up the whole bunch. Funds permitting of course.. Hehe! Not much a chance of that happening sorry! I can't say I'm much of a fan of the new movie version starships and much prefer the original movie ships.. I only got the HW Enterprise cos it looks cute and was cheap.. But that Vengeance does look pretty cool!
  18. Im more worried about how im going to squeeze all this stuff I've bought into my luggage for the trip home actually! LOL!
  19. Found a cool 1:48 Spitfire model and a wee Hotwheels Starship Enterprise at a small gift shop in Hull before we boarded the ferry to Rotterdam. The Spit was only £15 and the Enterprise was 90p.. a few more little bargain goodies to add to my my Euro trip stash! Oh and the Spitfire has retractable main gear too! Very nicely detailed!
  20. Hehe! Its funny you mention that as it wasn't too long ago i read an article on the RAAF and the photo they used was of two USAF F-16 flying along side two Canadian F-18.. all of which being described as RAAF aircraft. Made me giggle and eye roll..
  21. LOL!! These wallet destruction animations are brilliant and hilarious!
  22. And sadly the Blue Angels pilot didnt survive..
  23. Hehe! Yeah its been a long time plan to do this euro trip with my dad. Haven't seen him in ages too.. I'll be sure to take loads of pics yes!
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