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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Hey PE, yep still got it. How's your Subaru going? Your drawing looks great! Nice work mate!
  2. Looks awesome! Nice work!
  3. Saw this the other day. Wasn't bad but wasn't great either. They've definitely left it open for a sequel. Kinda hope they do it but not a big deal if they don't..
  4. Sure thing, if you wanna send me a PM we'll discuss further. I think I'll only make a couple with what materials I have rather than trying to mass produce them. $10 USD shipped each will cover them.
  5. I could make them in several different colors but black is harder to find..
  6. I made a new gun strap! Though this is only a prototype. Will need some refinements such as smaller rings. Initially wasn't sure about using the red colour strap but I think it suits Hikaru's Valkyrie nicely the more I look at it. If this gets enough positive vibes I might just start making more of them to sell.. what are you guys thoughts?
  7. Loving that HUGE Tomcat!!! WOW! 1:18 scale!
  8. I also recently bought a Tamiya RC car and its really good to have one again. After about 25 years out of the hobby I think I'd like to get back into it.. but to a more limited degree as it can also be very expensive.
  9. Nup! It's been gone for a while now. But at least I still have a Valkyrie with Basara sitting inside and he's holding a guitar! LOL! Indeed! Very minimalist. Feels so bare.. but eventually more will come. Again.. More birds will come.. in the form of DX VF-1's! I am looking forward to more DX coming but for now I'm quite content with what I have. Looking at the empty cabinets after I packed them all up did kinda give me a sinking feeling but I did enjoy having them and all the others before them so as they say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.. Yeah I must admit I do rather like the clean and tidy look. For a while then when my collection was a lot larger it did start to look messy and cluttered and as soon as I started trimming things down it looked a lot better. My misses wasn't ever fussed about my stuff, she's more concerned about me regretting my decision later on. I do feel fine about it all.
  10. Hey! That looks familiar!
  11. Got this Tamiya RC car from a work colleague pretty cheap! Just gotta build the thing now..
  12. Nice review Kuma!!
  13. Has anyone done any physical modifications to the intake covers so they fit better? Last night I shaved a bit of plastic away to see if it fit better, it does but it's not as tight anymore and could pop out even easier.. I use that one on my battroid Valkyrie so it's working against the force of gravity..
  14. Great pic Kuma!!
  15. Yeah I think it would be a case of using the existing pins especially considering we'd still have to remove the strap when it's in fighter mode. Or something could be made using Shapeways or another 3D printing service. Though that would bump up the costs considerably.. For me the gun pod strap material, the inability to secure it when in fighter mode, the tiny pilot and those intake covers which continuously pop out are the toys shortfalls.. maybe replacement pilots and covers could be 3D printed?
  16. Has anyone considered making better gun straps to replace those nasty rubbery plastic ones?
  17. Nice dissection!
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