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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Wip vf-1j

    nice! even better!
  2. ahhh crap! I can't watch the videos as they aren't available in my country.. stupid region restrictions..
  3. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    yep just the one Monster to Sydney Australia.. EMS
  4. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I just got an invoice for 1900yen for additional postage costs.. which is about $25 aussie dollars. Makes the total for postage 6000yen. Paid it regardless!
  5. has there been any mention of a possible release date for this thing? I guess I could scroll back through the previous pages but I actually have stuff to do at work today believe it or not..
  6. is there a requirement to have more hydraulic systems on navy jets over land based aircraft? or was the complicated hydraulic system unique to the Tomcat? and yes the F-15 would definitely need some beefing up! their bulk heads rear of the cockpit were cracking anyways if I recall correctly!? And wow! a whole tool box in the wing tank! that's just nuts! I bet the guy who those tools belonged to felt a bit stupid afterwards! and im sure he knew where he left em too! hehe!
  7. WOW! that navy F-15 model looks perfectly legit! I wonder if it was ever actually considered!?
  8. Just the people i feel who deserve it! Hehe!
  9. LOL! @ the beatles yellow submarine! Hotwheels will do anything eh!
  10. put some batteries in Quakeblast's head so his led eye works! the phone camera makes it appear brighter than it really is but it is quite an intense little light! it takes two batteries and I tried with only one battery in the hope it wouldn't be so bright but the led doesn't come on so it clearly needs both batteries.. You can also put two batteries in both the arm and chest but I didn't bother with any of them as I only wanted the eye lit up. oh well it still looks pretty cool!
  11. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    cool box art!
  12. yes! yes it would..
  13. my Arcadia top 5 wish list.. 1. 1:60 Regult kit or complete (preferably complete) 2. 1:60 HWR-00 MKII Monster! (hey I can dream can't I) 3. 1:3000 SDF-1 TV ver. or DYRL re-issue.. (preferably the TV ver.) 4. SV-51 renewals (but completely re-engineered!) 5. VF-3000 or VF-5000 (or both!) of course there are plenty more items but this is the best 5 I can think of right now.. and I don't want to be too greedy!
  14. hmmm.. I'll wait till it arrives first then I'll see how I feel about it!
  15. Im both looking forward to and terrified of the build at the same time! Hehe! Hey u wanna buy mine!?
  16. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    Woo hoo!! Just got order in preparation notice email from NY!! the ball has officially begun rolling! OMFG!
  17. looks great buddy! well done! I too have a VF-1S inbound but an un-assembled assembly kit.. I really wanna try put this one together myself! this could be disastrous!
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! yeah nahhh don't wanna do any jail time! LOL!
  19. spanner

    Macross figures

    awww dude! that's just mean and slack!
  20. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    but what a way to knock em all over in the one hit eh! yes would be pretty tragic.. on bank accounts, wallets and ones soul..
  21. I know I might cop some flack from the lovers of the thing but as long as this doesn't turn out as sloppy and disgusting as the VF-2SS then bloody oath I'll buy it!
  22. yeah you could probably get a replacement part 3D printed..? or it might already even exist on Shapeways?
  23. I wonder how the Iranians are doing with their Tomcats!? I read their biggest issue is they can't get hold of any spare parts.. I also wonder how many are still actually flying and or in combat ready condition!
  24. ahhh! crap! no!!! bugger..
  25. yikes.. I dunno whats worse.. wrinkles or flakes!? ewww!
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