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Everything posted by spanner

  1. I know right! how cool would some vinyl look on it! I cant remember where I saw it but there was this guy who put some vinyls on his Subaru and it looked kinda cool!
  2. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    and I think im almost talking myself into buying it!
  3. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    the box art is pure awesome! makes me dread not buying two just to make the complete picture! or maybe I will just go ahead and buy another!
  4. then it'll be a monster'd monster! a great idea though! will do! I'll definitely try not to! speaking of which.. this is what happened when happily cruising along our local country roads and a Kangaroo (and a good sized one) jumped out in front of me back on boxing day 2005.. they say its better to just hit them rather than swerve but my natural reflex response was to try avoid him, I got the left side tires off the side of the road and the car just drifted away from me.. bang smack head on into a power pole. The car was an instant write off but I only sustained minor injuries. A few broken ribs, dislocated left knee cap when it hit the dashboard, and a scar on my forehead when my head hit the steering wheel (momo race, no airbag). This is a 1995 model VS Commodore. It stood up to the crash quite well actually! Considering I hit the pole at 40mph+ by the time some speed washed off.. ohh and I did actually clip the Roo too! there was a chunk of brown fur on the right front guard!
  5. And for some gold ol brownie goodness! Nice pix mojacko!
  6. Thanks guys! It's like Christmas morning all over again! It's 2:30am here and I'm already wide awake and buzzed about getting the car today! Just can't sleep! I'm too excited about getting a new car! Gahhh!!! Also fingers crossed my HWR arrives today too!
  7. great purchases Darotower! well done on the Angel Birds!
  8. I don't even want to think about that! hehe! it was a long and tough decision to buy this thing.. I have always been very fond of the Commodore's having owned many over the years and seeing this will be the final Aussie built model before an unknown future, I though what better excuse to actually own one! Its like buying a piece of history! Kinda makes it that bit more special! There was also the option of a HSV Clubsport or even a GTS! but they are considerably more expensive and im not particularly keen on their body kit styling.. some look rather tacky and over styled screaming boy racer! And they are super expensive to insure! To me the SS is far more a handsome toned down style that still looks sporty enough. It also has pretty much everything that I could ever need as they are actually very well featured! Cant wait to take the wheel tomorrow and drive the thing home!
  9. ok so this isn't related to Macross in any way but it is still a toy.. a friggin awesome toy!! this has been in the works for a little while now and I just finalized much of the (financial) details today in fact but im now the proud owner of a brand new 2016 Holden Commodore SS-V Redline edition! (a Chevy SS to you yanks! ) 6.2 liters of LS3 V8 muscle (400+ hp) and a manual gear box! Im picking her up tomorrow so its going to be one fine weekend for me! Its what I like to call my 40th birthday present to me! so yeah happy birthday to me! yay!
  10. 4 seconds!? you reckon it will be that long!? hehe!
  11. To keep the balance they'll certainly have to make the next Valkyrie pre order a 262..
  12. Thanks for the update mate!
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    awesome pic! I just checked the tracking on mine and sadly it hasn't landed in the country as yet so no Monster for me this week.. spot on! work, sleeping and toileting are such wastes of time.. and incredibly inconvenient!
  14. love those pins! and the tank is cool too!
  15. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    was just thinking exactly the same only earlier today! very surprised..
  16. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    I have been wanting to tip over to Ikea to pick up another display cabinet for the incoming Delta Valk's but was also considering getting a Detolf to sit on top of my bed side cabinet rather than getting another Klingsbo.. But now knowing the Monster does indeed fit inside a Detolf that does justify the idea.. A bit more vertical space over the somewhat shallow Klingsbo shelf heights would be a welcome change!
  17. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe! im truly flattered of course! but I cant say I have ever considered any of the crap I write being of any "quote-able" quality! but by all means be my guest! Problem is your sig will end up being HUGE and taking up half the screen for each of your posts!
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    now that im looking forward to!
  19. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    even though I bought one and its still in transit, I cant help but feel intense jealousy to those who have already received theirs! looks friggin amazing! I certainly hope it arrives before the weekend!
  20. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    as douchey as the listing might be, the guy might not be a douche bag but intentionally aiming the listing at douche bags as only a douche bag would be douche enough to actually buy it! I hope that even made any sense! too much douchebaggery going on...
  21. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    still you did pretty bloody good!
  22. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    then its a good thing I don't currently have anything pending with them! They just fulfilled & shipped my Monster order which was the only thing I left open with them so I guess that means im sweet az! probably the only other thing they could do is delete old order history meaning you'd lose the purchase rewards / discounts.. but that's not a big loss either seeing the best they have ever given me is a lowly 4% off.. bunch of tightarses..
  23. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    extra cash!? it sure as hell ain't my money! its the banks! its called a credit card dude! hehe! im flat broke!
  24. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yes that certainly is a worry.. makes you wonder what that attack was actually targeting or just to cause inconvenience??
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