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Everything posted by spanner

  1. yep that's the one!
  2. In those respects compared to the YF-23, the F-35 is more a blunt instrument! The F-22 couldn't match those areas either if im not mistaken yes??
  3. If i still had my planes on display then i probably would've taken you up on that idea but these days room is an absolute premium due to all my Macross stuffs.. the only plane I still have out is my XB-70 Valkyrie sitting on my gaming pc tower. Does your Concorde have the drooping nose feature?
  4. My VF-4 Master File is with the courier for delivery today! Finally.. seems to have gotten stuck at one of the sort facilities for a few days.. not the first time that has happened and im sure wont be the last either. Curse you Australia Post! Curse you!
  5. Boobs!! Why u sooo big!?!? :/
  6. you might actually be yes.. I have to say they are both equally as beautiful in their own ways but for me what pushes the YF-23 that little bit further ahead is it still looks the more futuristic design! even after all these years! is it a better/more effective design? possibly not considering its now approaching 30 years old but it still looks pretty darn fine!
  7. Thats gorgeous mate! I always wanted a Concorde as part of my once proud aircraft display collection..
  8. Hehe! Although I think "run out" is more appropriate for Ravage! Seeing he has legs rather than wheels! Got him off ebay for about $70 (aud) delivered! From China of course.. so yeah quite cheap! And hes tiny compared to HWR Monster! not even at knee height for a 1:60 VF-1..
  9. this arrived today! Ocular Max Remix Jaguar! shipping from China took its sweet arse time but it made it in the end! and was it worth the wait! is a very nice toy indeed! now to add a few Decepticon stickers to it and its complete!
  10. yeah I did notice their shipping was quite cheap compared to the last Master File I purchased from HLJ anyways.. so I thought I'd just keep my order with Amazon.
  11. cant stop watching this! loving how those rudders/vertical stabilizers move in their entirety! so sexy watching them flick about during that little maneuver!
  12. hence why I said "atm" hehe! yeah the F-23 was and still is the sexiest thing to ever grace the sky! no and not for a few years yet I think.. haven't heard much regarding where they are regarding its development but last I remember it won't be operational till 2020. That date could have changed but I wouldn't know.
  13. bloody typical.. I wonder if I can cancel my order with Amazon as I'd rather order through HLJ to be perfectly honest.. but if I cant then I guess its no big deal. They both have them listed for the very same price.
  14. how awesome is that! has to be the sexiest plane flying atm! such a beautiful looking thing!
  15. that looks great Jason! thanks for the update and photo!
  16. I haven't watched any more Delta since ep17.. to be honest I've been struggling with it.
  17. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    awesome! shame you couldn't get him on a Suzuki Katana.. though the Honda is still fine!
  18. Hey thanks for that eggy99! You sparked up my suspicions that I did already have an Amazon account and after a little investigation sure enough I do! I must have previously ordered something from them a while back and completely forgotten about my account! Was registered with an old unused email address but I was able to update certain details and pre-order the book! Neeto!
  19. anyone got any ideas where else to find this to pre-order? yes surprised its nowhere to be found on HLJ..
  20. and deservedly so! come to think of it, yes my Emerald Force display usually gets more comments than others!
  21. if I had to slap a quick list together then it'd probably be something like this.. VF-1 (VF-1J then TV-A, D, S) VF-19 (19P then F, S, YF-19, Advance, Kai) VF-27 (CF ver, then Brera/Grace) VF-27 is easily my favorite of the Frontier Valkyries. VF-0 (D then S then A) im sucker for the Delta! VF-4 (for its fighter mode only) VF-31 ("A" variant then others) YF-30 VF-25 (S then RVF then A then G then YF-25 then F.. sorry Alto but your variant kinda blows) SV-262 SV-51 (for its fighter mode only) YF-21/VF-22 VF-3000 VF-11C (then B) YF-29 (I still think they could have done a little better with this variant, looks very afterthoughty..) VF-5000 VF-171 VF-17S (then D) ok so that's more than 10 but thought I'd just keep going till my mind went blank. And yes the VF-2 is not on the list cos its total dogs balls..
  22. Oh yeah!!! Such a sexy beast! Approaching 1000kms done so im starting to use a bit more revs and boy does she sure hammer along! My cousins LS3 Clubsport auto feels so lazy by comparison.. so glad I bought a manual!
  23. 19P all the way bros!
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