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Everything posted by spanner

  1. RIP Joe, and thanks for the 747!
  2. hehe! yeah its something like that! And I reckon they should include a USB memory stick or DVD with all the pictures in digital form so we can print them out as needed!
  3. spanner

    Macross figures

    yep! she will go very nicely next to her DX VF-31!
  4. spanner

    Macross figures

    That Ranka figure is lovely but dang Mirage in her "leave nothing to your imagination" flight suit is a must have! The Ranka figure is so small.. 90mm tall. At least Mirage is a slightly better size at 160mm. Pre orders are September 1 yes?
  5. there's a lot of stuff I simply wouldn't want, know of or keep but it was good to see that if he was to get rid of everything but only keep one line it was the Macross/Robotech stuff! good choice sir, good choice!
  6. hehe! would you expect anything less from a impatient tight arse like me!
  7. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    couldn't really be bothered scanning through over 230 previous pages of this thread so I'll just ask, was there anything regarding the release date for the Spartan?
  8. sad news indeed.. I always really liked Gene. I remember going to the movies to watch See No Evil, Hear No Evil.. funny movie! R.I.P Gene
  9. spanner

    Macross figures

    Mirage sporting one heck of a fine figure there! Slender, petit & small boobs! gasp! perfection! I must have this!
  10. I want that VF-1 Valkyrie journal book so bad!!!
  11. nice work! looks amazing!
  12. Yikes!! 600! Scary stuff! Hope you can get that sorted out.. never dealt with them before, was the listing for that item very specific about what you were buying?
  13. I think you might be the first person I've heard (typed) say that they actually tossed out their v1's! LOL! I guess they deserved such a fate..
  14. Geez I wish I could randomly find cool stuff in my mailbox! I only ever find bills and junk mail.. :/
  15. the ones in the photo just a few posts back.. in the "pitfall" picture.. that looks pretty terrible actually. not impressed with that one at all. I kinda got the impression that the VF-4 was designed with included super parts hence those two big exhaust nozzles mounted above the feet?? did they do a similar thing in any of the other Master File releases?
  16. hehe! I guess so!
  17. having a quick flick through the VF-4 Master File there sure are a few weird looking alternatives. Some I like and others not so much.. Those super packs on the VF-4 look pure afterthought and don't suit it at all.. I kinda get the impression that the designers struggled a little bit coming up with ideas for this one. Still there is plenty to like and its a great addition to the rest of the Master File collection. So no real complaints.
  18. yeah I did notice that the fit of the movable nose version is not so good.. just another excuse not to consider buying one! but I do like the idea of it!
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