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Everything posted by spanner

  1. yeah... not bad. boob size is a wee bit big but still acceptable!
  2. that was fantastic! seriously cant wait for this! im sure it will make up for the relatively disappointing VF-4 master file.. (in my opinion of course) its gotta be getting close to release for sure yes? around mid September if I remember correctly?
  3. that looks gorgeous in more plain colors! definitely gonna be trying for 3x of these!
  4. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wonder who the numbnut was that did that! Or it was bumped when put on display after transformation..?
  5. yes indeed, I too found that very surprising! im glad I went with HLJ rather than taking my chances waiting for NY to reopen their PO..
  6. spanner

    Macross figures

    right... same but different..
  7. for heavier applications! cool posters in the background too!
  8. spanner

    Macross figures

    yep... I know.. its just an old pile of crap Holden now! hehe! should get rid of it eh!
  9. spanner

    Macross figures

    I know I know! I have potentially compromised my life mission buying that bloody thing but every time I go for a drive in it I feel better about that decision.. 400+hp and a stick shift is a lot of fun! Especially with that LS3 rumble! I bought a brand new Commodore SS.. its posted in the new toy purchase and automotive threads.. don't wanna get in trouble posting too much about it in here and go off topic..
  10. spanner

    Macross figures

    hehe! yeah I'd love to but im still a bit poor after buying that new car..
  11. spanner

    Macross figures

    absolutely! I think I'd have him posed for atmospheric flight with the open face helmet..
  12. gasp! they both look super sexy fantastic in that photo! dang I cant wait to have these little beauties on display!
  13. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    ahhh Macross World! getting even the smallest snow balls rolling! LOL!
  14. ahhh yes! indeed it was..
  15. spanner

    Macross figures

    Hehe! yeah.. I'll just put the figure on display but hide the box so no one can see it! And when people ask.. oh is that a Macross figure? I'll be like.. yeah... yeah it is! yep its Macross!
  16. spanner

    Macross figures

    only issue being that it will be labelled as Robotech - Rick Hunter..
  17. spanner

    Macross figures

    hmmm I dunno.. I still haven't taken mine out of his box! still sealed minty fresh! yeah I think I'd get one too! I don't have any figures in SDFM gear and seeing I have the popbox DYRL Hikaru this one would be quite welcome! Any hint on a release date?
  18. hey Noel, yeah each book should have its own unique download code! that would be so crazy! imagine the desktop wallpaper possibilities!!
  19. oh absolutely! manuals are like pizza.. even when they're bad they're still pretty good! my cousin just went and bought a brand new HSV GTS but in auto.. still a thundering bit of kit no doubt but being auto definitely mutes them somewhat. They do have paddle shifters which isn't a novelty anymore and the only good thing about the automatics is that it auto-blips the throttle on downshifts which is cool but it only does it under certain driving conditions.. I have re-taught myself how to do that being back in a manual! Heel and toe is great fun (even the learning process!) and when you get it right its sooo satisfying! I test drove the GTS in a manual and its sh!ts all over the automatic version! But my cousin is a very lazy person and to be perfectly honest isn't much of a good driver anyways, so I guess the boring automatic probably best suits him. yes! the new Ford Super Duty is a very nice thing indeed! shame they don't and won't ever bring them down under to Australia..
  20. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    did you just say meow!? yeah have noticed quite a few places still have them available.. sooo tempted to get a second one! gahhh! hate being broke! or should I say "financially limited"
  21. Nice one! im still debating buying a 3rd VF-0S specifically for the RA parts and I have seen the odd one pop up but the money they are demanding keep scaring me away.. I guess I could always just use one of the ones I have already.. not to mention the lack of any display space to put a 3rd one dressed up in super bulky parts is a premium at the moment..
  22. such a good figure! I want a Robocop figure so bad but just can't spend the money on anything non-Macross!
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