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Everything posted by spanner

  1. hehe! yeah no new Valkyrie till the new year sadly.. I also found another model car pretty cheap too! but its coming from Italy so it might take a while to get down here.. this tank was second hand of course but is in perfect condition with nothing missing! And I got it for a fairly reasonable price including all the figures! Looks awesome on display! I'd love to weather it but I don't have the skills to do so and would have to get someone to do that for me but in all honesty the tank looks great as it is! yeah its a bit shiny but meh I still love it! my son is mega jealous as he is the one who put me on to the series but spent all his money replacing his xb1 and a new gaming headset but he wants one of these now too! oh well.. you can only choose one thing mate!
  2. Panzer vor!!! yep so this happened! loved the anime! and when I found out these huge tanks existed along with the scale figures to match I knew I had to have a set of my very own! and wow does it look awesome! This thing is HUGE!!! nicely detailed and the character figures are so cute!
  3. a Jeep Renegade can do a stoppie under hard braking! clearly cars shouldn't do this as the idea is to keep all four wheels on the ground during emergency situations. Flawed vehicle dynamics? Incorrectly set braking bias / balance? Either way a FCA must fix issue im sure..
  4. so with postage that's around $260+ (aussie) I figured it'd be around that price range.. still only in for one.
  5. oh! so they do have a variable exhaust nozzle! I never noticed or looked close enough at the business end of a Corsair.. it makes me wonder what the benefits of having the nozzle covered over at the end like that then?
  6. these are magnificent! you certainly have talent I cannot deny! very impressive!
  7. it could be that im so not use to seeing a Corsair without a variable exhaust like that which makes it look strange.. but that photo still doesn't look quite right. and you're right, there isn't a single photo of a A-7F with that exhaust on the net anywhere! Upon further investigation, as far as I can tell even if a Corsair was fitted with an F100 engine, it never got the nozzle. In a way it kinda makes sense as those nozzles (for that size engines anyway) are usually only fitted to aircraft of much higher mach capability. I think the A-7F only able to do not much more than mach 1.2 so maybe the nozzle wasn't necessary?? probably didn't have an after burner perhaps? of course im guessing out of my arse.. but it does seem to be the trend.
  8. that never happened did it? a A-7 with feathered engine nozzle!? that photo kinda looks photoshopped anyways! hehe!
  9. wel.. that sounds like you're in a pickle of a situation! so please tell why is a hammer an option in this case? Is the VF-31 kit that bad?
  10. such a beautiful plane! always had a special place in my heart for the Corsair & Crusader if only they made the Crusader III
  11. DX VF-9 Cutlass would make me wet in the wee wee!
  12. must resist the temptation to buy a 1:48..
  13. I was pleasantly surprised with the movie as some anime movies of the series are often a bit disappointing.. *cough Macross Frontier cough* Plenty of awesome tank action and the detail was mighty impressive! In fact I liked the anime so much so that it might just influence a purchase of some kind! have to wait and see how that pans out..
  14. this is looking fantastic!
  15. this should be interesting to see! I hope you get the parts to fit! be sure to post pics of your efforts!
  16. and by "modify" do you mean "super glue" all the parts on!? hehe!
  17. I just finished watching Girls und Panzer and the movie.. was cute! loved the effects and details of the tanks! quite impressed actually!
  18. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! papa bear, mamma bear and baby bear! my fav? the 1:60 of course!
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