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Everything posted by spanner

  1. Max 1A is actually sitting completely obscured right behind the gerwalk Hikaru 1A! if you zoom in you can just see some parts of him in fighter mode!
  2. WTF!?!?! that was awesome!!!
  3. Did some re-shuffling to help make a few shelves look a little less cluttered.. still not quite where I want things to be due to space constraints but I think its better. Also fitted the original head unit back on the VE-1 which seemed appropriate. Just didn't look right with the VF-1A head fitted..
  4. this thing here almost has a VF-2SS look about it! you might have to squint your eyes a bit though..
  5. nice pics 505! good to see you're enjoying your SV-51!
  6. that looks crazy good!! so nicely detailed!!
  7. more so than many others which have had renewals, the SV-51 definitely deserves a renew! I was just admiring my three this morning before I left for work and they certainly are very special!
  8. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah it started to climb up for a little while before Delta hit screens but now its just gotten silly. Im glad I managed to snag three of them beforehand!
  9. that does look kinda cool but also kinda doesn't.. Im having mixed feelings about all this.
  10. looking forward to it!
  11. ahhh but you see buying v2 1:60 VF-1 Valks costs a considerable amount more than any of these HM-R's do.. and the thought of a v3 is downright frightening! Im sure it would be an awesome thing as its pretty much hard to beat a v2 as it is but the prospect of buying all of them to replace all my v2's is brain pain inducing..
  12. geez!! leave some for others to buy will ya! hehehe! awesome!
  13. Will you try to get the other SV-51 variants? (Nora & CF) they are certainly worth getting! all three together look the business! and yes a renewal SV-51 would be of pure epic proportions! especially so as they renewed the VF-0 Valkyrie's! And the SV really lags behind quite significantly now.. C'mon Arcadia! give the people what they want already!
  14. congrats on your first Mandarake purchase! and you chose an absolute beauty too! these things are a lovely (and a little floppy) thing!
  15. looks great Jason! thanks for posting up the photo!
  16. she's a little bit cheaper at amiami.. http://slist.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-023615&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dbelldandy%24pagemax%3D15%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  17. oh my word! she is gorgeous!!! ♡♡♡
  18. I saw both the tank and the girls brand new from a few other places including NY but couldn't justify the extra hundreds on top just for getting brand new. The Autoart D-Type is a really nice thing and I had one before but I also had the Exoto D-type and that thing was just insane how much detail and build quality went into it! I'd love/prefer to have another Exoto again but I cant justify the ridiculous price they demand these days.. They start on ebay at about $1300 (aud) which is about double what I paid originally for mine! kicking myself for selling it off.. but the money did go towards more Valkyries so I don't feel so bad..
  19. that is gorgeous! love the Corsair!
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