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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    nice photos Saburo!
  2. while we're still on the topic of VF-11's.. here's a quick shot of my two lovely's! I'll be honest and say I didn't really think much of the VF-11 early on and it took me a while to decide to buy them. But eventually I grew to really like them! And now I couldn't imagine my collection without them!
  3. She's gorgeous! Slender figure, boobs not too big, pretty face, cool gun! I approve!
  4. beautiful footage of a F-4 Phantom startup and take off!
  5. various ww2 aircraft engine startups..
  6. apologies in advance as im not sure if this has been posted in here previously but its still a very cool bit of footage!
  7. photo looks great! so as I expected, an easy fix.
  8. found it.. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=3050
  9. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    LOL! now this looks very promising indeed! the ET ver. was sooo rubbish disappointing..
  10. yeah I think I recall reading or seeing something about a VF-11B foot issue.. I think it was the forward toe end section that could pop off. Probably an easy fix. never experienced the issue myself with either the B or C but I've never transformed them out of fighter mode.. still worth getting though! I only have the one VF-11C and it cost me a fortune! I assume you got them when they weren't crazy expensive? I wish I jumped on that boat earlier..
  11. yeah not bad but that "B" rated one is a good price!
  12. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    hehe! funny thing is when (mum) first moved to the rural property we have now, we had rats living in the stables and they were 10 to 12 inches long! of course we had to get rid of them as every now and then the odd one would come down to the house for a quick visit.. That was not appreciated I tell you now. And regarding the VF-2SS HM-R version, if its better than the ET version then I might just pick one up! I really do hope its better..
  13. Noel, you know one of these has your name ALL OVER IT! http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=199000001633
  14. those Camaro to Trans Am conversions are friggin awesome!! I think I'd have the Bert Reynolds Bandit!
  15. thanks guys! the LED strip lighting works quite well but at times I feel it could be a little brighter and flood better. and yes you're right, there is no such thing as too many VF-1!
  16. nice purchases guys! I especially like that Deadpool figure! looks extremely poseable! Loved that movie!
  17. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

    that version of HWR Monster with the rat claws shown in Zero would be an easy pass for me..
  18. spanner

    Macross figures

    LOL! be my guest! hehehe!
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