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Everything posted by spanner

  1. looks kinda ok but also kinda meh.. but as with the other movies I will watch it as you can never get too much of Kate Beckinsale!
  2. I might try this display with my 6x VF-1A CF's and put the 3 TV's up front and the 3x DYRL up the back.. I think I might just accept this mission!
  3. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I was being optimistic! hehe! and pay their +50% scalper fee! errr no thanks..
  4. Wtf! LOL! The bodywork must be so soft for them to make adjustments that easily!?
  5. Thanks jv! I did do a search (on my mobile phone) but wasn't able to find it.
  6. Awesome scene sh9000!!!
  7. seeing as this is the Master File thread.. is there a art book thread in here somewhere? I just purchased vol.1 & 2 of Macross The Ride but couldn't find the appropriate thread for it..
  8. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I know eh! but Bandai makes pre-ordering these things in multiples next to impossible..
  9. hehe! indeed it does! that's quite uncanny and somewhat disturbing!
  10. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I want them ALL so bad!!
  11. not that I really wanted anymore Frontier stuff but yeah ditto on that!
  12. love the drink straw idea!
  13. wow! look at the banana lasers on that bad boy! hehe! tisk tisk Bandai for letting this QC issue slip through..
  14. all sounds good! thanks for the update Jason!
  15. here's another one done for color variation purposes.. and you can see a few other goodies in the background!
  16. I always wanted to get one of these Shuttles or the Saturn V rocket to display! but expensive Macross toys kept interfering with the purchasing process! Might go see what's around the traps.. that's so cute!
  17. And here I was considering an Autoart Gallardo for about ten times that price!
  18. 1mm nails eh! good idea! thanks for the heads up!
  19. im quite liking the white colored versions actually! might get a few sets to replace both the Yam & Arc 4's.. oh and where do you get the 1mm diameter rod from?
  20. thanks! I love your VF-1J brownie custom! looks great!
  21. that link you posted doesn't seem to work for me so I looked on the shapeways website so are these the ones you're referring to? http://www.shapeways.com/product/PLHRCL7G8/perfect-hands-for-vf-4g?optionId=59750203 im assuming so as they appear to be able to fit inside the forearm!
  22. for me personally, the VF-1J CF wins that crown with ease!
  23. took this photo by request from someone in here so I thought I'd also share it..
  24. lego BMW R1200 GS http://www.designboom.com/design/lego-technic-bmw-r-1200-gs-adventure-11-07-2016/
  25. I figured as much. oh well.. I didn't even bother putting the smaller fixed hands on.
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