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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Hi-Metal R

  2. cool! got any pics of your sisters Yak air racer!?
  3. cool thanks for that! and what about the Walkure song albums? whats the go with them?
  4. She certainly does look pretty good! But can she sing and more importantly how well can she shake than fine booty of hers!
  5. Not sure.. they haven't arrived yet. They only got posted out over the weekend so hopefully they'll arrive by the end of this week or early next week and I'll let you know! The pics I saw when I googled the books look ok.
  6. yeah looks that way eh.. but I'll be only using the CF-1A though.. this is true! ok I might see what I can come up with!
  7. that! is friggin awesome on sooo many levels!
  8. oh!! I just noticed that in the animated pic I posted that they are actually VF-1D CF's! but in a different shot they are VF-1A CF's.. I wonder if the animators got this messed up by accident of it was intentional? and considering that VF-1D CF's were never released and to some how use them for this scene would be hugely expensive and wasteful.. so here's another shot of the wedding scene with VF-1A CF's.. side note.. I won't be recreating the disco lighting!
  9. thanks to sh9000 for the idea! cant wait!
  10. this happened over the weekend! I bought three (yep three!) VF-1A TV cannon fodder brownies for my planned Max & Milia wedding scene display! yes wasn't cheap but still sooo worth it! that will bring my VF-1A TV CF count to six!
  11. and to make the G8 an even more attractive proposition.. they were better spec'd & featured than the Commodore was.. Even still so now with the Chev SS! Its got more power and more standard equipment than my SS-V Redline edition which kinda sucks. It would have been nice to have the option for heated/cooled seats and magnetic ride control. I think they are going to put all the stuff the Chev has for the very final 2017 build cars. Bugger.. I should have waited till next year! \\ In Australia the Commodore wouldn't have to go through the extreme seasonal changes like a lot of the US does.. probably explains why the G8 owners don't often drive them in snow!
  12. Did they ever release a complete sound track for Delta? I've looked but only find individual songs..
  13. Trailer looked ok. I absolutely loved 5th Element so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this!
  14. picked up the two Macross The Ride volumes from Japan pretty cheap..
  15. similar thing like when Holden dropped the Aussie built all iron V8 in favor of the all alloy chev LS1 for the Commodore back in 1999. Aside improvements such as over 20% more power, better fuel efficiency, lower emissions, the weight difference between the V6 & V8 versions was less than 40kg (down from nearly triple that figure if I remember correctly) which meant the v8 could even use the same front springs and shocks (amongst other components) as the V6 whilst lowering costs and streamlining production methods. That Pontiac looks great!
  16. Well something is in the pipeline that could potentially make that display idea even better!
  17. ok will do! I'll take some measurements and decide which style I want.
  18. 24hours! impressive skills you have! how much would you want for it!?
  19. that is crazy good!! nice work! I'd love to have something like this for one of my 1/60 VF-1!
  20. my father worked for a computer/electronics company in the UK back in the late 60's to mid 70's (before we moved to Australia ) which supplied components for the RAF Vickers VC-10 which quickly became his favorite aircraft. So for his upcoming 70th birthday I bought him a Gemini Jets 1/200 scale RAF VC-10! which im sure he'll love! beautiful planes they are!
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