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Everything posted by spanner

  1. just got email notification that my three VF-1A brownies are with the courier driver for delivery today! sweeet! cant wait to get home from work!
  2. agreed! I do also like the ones which show all three modes on the front of the box. The VF-1J assembly kit box art looks cool!
  3. its directly related to how many cups of coffee I've had.. I need a hundred!
  4. hmmm.. should I get one?? not sure..
  5. maybe I should check them again!? though im not sure how I would have not seen that they were rainbow or not? I'll let you know..
  6. not sure!? but they are definitely clear! should they not be?
  7. spanner

    Macross figures

    hehe! for a figure like this most likely not.. but multiples of Valks is a completely different story!
  8. spanner

    Macross figures

    I want this!
  9. same here! I thinking I might start putting boxes in some good quality plastic garbage bags, seal them up and store them in the roof cavity! got no other solution and there is plenty of space up in there. My only concern is it does get VERY hot up there during the warmer months even though I have one of those spinning whirly bird vent thingies.. though it will only be the boxes and nothing of any significant value I guess.. And sadly I have no spare bedrooms available.. so im thinking I'll separate the TV & DYRL option parts, missiles etc and put them in snap lock bags. The plastic inserts can stack together and I'll flatten all the boxes. what ever doesn't stack and fold can go in bags in the roof.
  10. and funny enough I find the Bandai DX boxes are a little more efficient in terms of space used in my wardrobe for example than the Yamato boxes.. And the fact I have more than twice the amount of Yamato boxes than Bandai which is also a contributing factor.. I need to find a solution soon so I will definitely be seeing how these boxes will compress!
  11. hey thanks! hehe! yep is same pic three times! when they arrive I'll line them up the very same way and take a shot of the actual boxes! LOL! more boxes to store some where.. hehe! I had been wanting to fold down the Yamato boxes which are the same size and stack the plastic inserts on top of each other which can save space. I might experiment that with the 3x brownies when they arrive. If it works the I'll pull more boxes out of the wardrobe and do more of them the same way.
  12. that's fair enough I suppose.. the shear unpredictability of international shipping is pretty much out of their control. But good to know they are willing to fix or replace the actual toy if damaged. Unlike other sellers.. Though I guess if someone wanted an item to arrive in 100% mint condition for "MISB" collecting then they could always email the seller and get them to double box or better securely pack the item. for example, I'd be pretty pissed if my M&M's boxes arrived damaged / crumpled (thankfully they didn't!) considering their rareness factor & expense so I do understand how damaged packaging can upset some people.. again same here! It was just last weekend I was pulling my wardrobe apart looking for something and its 95% full of empty Valkyrie, model car & other boxes.. its a massive nightmare tetris puzzle to put all back! but I can't bring myself to chuck any of them out..
  13. this is me watching the progress of this!
  14. I've checked the three TV brownies that I already have and none of them have broken shoulders. And the one which has a rainbow canopy shows no signs of cracking either thankfully. So here's hoping that the three coming don't have any issues either. Touch wood! I haven't had any troubles with stuff that I've bought from Jungle or Mandarake but I'll certainly be keeping my fingers crossed..
  15. im excited for them but also a little nervous about the condition of their shoulders etc..
  16. the white primer might help bring out the orange a bit better!? like we do when we paint a bus.. some colors we can use a darker primer and for lighter colors the opposite. Also depends on the strength of the color being applied. anyways thanks for the update!
  17. dang it.. that sucks that some of your items got damaged a little bit.. could you email HLJ and see what they say?
  18. I might just see how the display looks with only the Valks and see if needs something else.. I went to the local stationary place to see what they had but nothing jumped out at me that looked particularly suitable..
  19. im curious of those can cycles through colors or are just solid?
  20. The other thing I'd have to consider is what ever I make the rainbow bridge of I'll have to support the Valkyrie on some kind of stand.. I was just going to use one of my FP stands and not have the bridge at all..
  21. hehe! that is actually quite a clever idea! love it! I'll go check those ideas out right now! and thanks! Although I hadn't planned on recreating the rainbow bridge effect, I will have a little look into the possibilities of making it.. It might just end up being a static rainbow colored bit of plastic or cardboard or if it proves too difficult I might not bother at all.. my creative flair isn't quite what it use to be..
  22. ahhh I see! but still cool! love flight sims! though flying actual gliders is awesome! a friend of mine from school waaayyy back (25 or so years) his father had a two seat glider and I got to go up for a flight with him! I've been flying a few times but the feeling of flying with no engine was quite a different experience! down in Wollongong..
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