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Everything posted by spanner

  1. sci-fi director envisions Donald Trumps Air Force One..
  2. found a couple of 1/18 model car bargains that I promptly snapped up! the madness continues! Autoart Signature 2010 Sumo Power R35 GTR FIA GT1 Minichamps 1971 Volvo P1800 ES
  3. Yep, can't argue with that.
  4. (probably but not likely) NSFW..? Russian gas station offers free tank of fuel to anyone filling up whilst wearing a bikini! and it applies to men also! LOL!
  5. agreed! LOL!
  6. Hehe! Yeah that is true! And they didn't stop there either!
  7. thanks Noel! hehe! thanks for your kind words! to be honest I thought it was a bit bland but the more I look at it the more im liking it. Just not enough space on the shelves..
  8. im curious if this is still open in error? will be a lot of pissed off people if or when orders are cancelled due to someone's silly mistake.. hopefully that's not the case of course!
  9. i know eh! hehe! my son had a few 1/6 military figures which she did make a fuss about anyways but I bought a few weapons and accessories for them (his request) and she rang me up in tears claiming that I was a bad father and saying he'll grow up to be a war loving gun head and an outcast of society.. I kid you not she did have this overkill reaction. yeah you should give it a watch! its pretty good! but just don't expect anything particularly sophisticated.. its more fun that anything. Many of the characters are pretty cute too! I really liked Mako Reizei!
  10. thanks for these suggestion! I'll still look into doing something for the display.. hehe!
  11. yeah GuP was good! really enjoyed it! the tank & figures we got stay at my place as my son's mum (my ex) hates anything war related and makes a huge fuss even at stuff reasonably innocent as Girls und Panzer..
  12. thanks! yes!! Arcadia definitely should re-issue more VF-1 Valks! there are a few I wouldn't mind having more of as trying to find original Yamato versions which are either rare and or super expensive.. we found the tank & the girls on Mandarake actually! they had several sets available at the time! that is the Panzer IV tank from the Girls und Panzer movie which is a modification of the tank from the series, with a bigger cannon, side armor and a new paint job!
  13. thanks guys! hehe! if I had a 2nd then I'd keep one in its box minty fresh but seeing as I only have the one then that would go against my "all Valkyrie must be on display" policy! yeah I know it would be good to have the disco lighting / rainbow bridge thing happening but exactly how to do it and the fact space is a premium I just don't think its gonna happen.. maybe just pretend it is there! Spongebob knows what im talking about! LOL!
  14. thanks! hehe yeah must be my worsening eye sight with age.. hehe! please don't be.. it was a reasonably expensive thing to do. but yeah im really glad that all the three arrived in pretty much MINT condition! its as if they were never taken out of their boxes! I cannot fault any of them! check out the "strike a pose" thread for the new display! and I posted another pic in the "collection display" thread too..
  15. ok so here's my attempt at the Max & Milia wedding scene.. I was kinda limited by the available space of the display shelf and I just couldn't get the Battroid poses quite right whilst holding their gun pods.. but I think they look good enough. Also I tried placing the VF-1D up a little higher but it just made the whole display look even more cramped than it already is so I think this is pretty much as good as its gonna get. sorry to those who thought it was gonna look better than it does. But please feel free to make any suggestions that I could try to make it look better. Still I hope you like it!
  16. Got home to greet the three new additions to my VF-1 Valkyrie collection! All three boxes are in perfect zero crease or damage condition! all three Valkyrie are in 100% perfect condition with NO broken shoulders! all have perfect rainbow canopies! Also I must apologize as I made an error about the other three I already have.. they too all have rainbow canopies. Not sure how I got that wrong as its quite clearly visible!? I blame the lighting in my cabinets.. When I get a chance I will start moving things around in order to make the Max & Milia wedding display as planned.. so in the meantime, here are some photos to enjoy!
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