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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yep the purchase went through ok! I freaked out to begin with as I originally thought the payment would have been blocked but found out the money still went and then they blocked the card.. how is that then meant to be "fraud protection" if they still can take the money first and then block your card!?!? fingers crossed those other two arrive tomorrow!
  2. you can never have enough CF's!! Im loving that brownie VF-1J custom! I'd love to have a Yamato v2 VF-1J brownie brown (not tan) CF version! problem is I just need a 1J head for my assembly kit..
  3. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    my bank also stuffed me up when I purchase the other two VF-31J.. even though I have made many purchases from that particular store (NY) with the very same credit card, it for what ever reason flagged as possibly fraudulent!?!? I then get a message that the card has been temporarily blocked and that I need to get in touch with customer service. The problem then was I made the purchase on a public holiday so customer service weren't open! But I did manage to get the card unblocked through the lost and stolen cards dept which was lucky that they open 24/7!
  4. ouchies! that sucks.. sorry to see that. Have you still got the broken off part? would a tiny drop of super glue work by any chance? Of course mechaninac's repair suggestion is still an option. As he also mentioned you could just swap out the head unit for the CF type. Have you contacted the place of purchase? Curious, where did you buy it from? Hope you can get it sorted out. thanks derex!
  5. great shot sh9000!!
  6. always was quite fond of the F-111.. they use to fly over my place (along with F/A-18) fairly regularly which was great! things are a bit quieter now unless I wonder up near the RAAF base at Williamtown. Too lazy for that now.
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yes strange even after release I figured they couldn't care as long as they got sold.. don't you just hate that! and it seems to happen more so at certain vendors than others. Don't take it to heart too much as it happened to a lot of us.. so its not the first time and definitely won't be the last. considering this seems to happen to most of the stores, then I think they need to have a good hard look at their warehousing methods if stock keeps getting "misplaced" or it could be put aside intentionally to take advantage of those desperate few who'll pay more money to get one after they missed out originally.. speaking of which.. even I have had crazy thoughts of getting a 4th one!
  8. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have always wondered where all these odd ones that pop up in stock actually come from!? cancelled orders perhaps? misplaced stock perhaps? Bandai certainly wouldn't still be trickling in additional items would they?
  9. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    give it time mate, give it time..
  10. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    it might just be factory tight. Try twisting it again slowly building up force gently till it moves. I will happen.
  11. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    freakin love this thing! battroid looks bad ass, fighter mode looks super sleek and it gerwalks much better than other relatively recent releases.. (YF-30 & VF-19ADV) awesome photos Saburo! time to make some new phone wallpapers!
  12. that's cool, no pressure of course!
  13. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    magnifiche foto Saburo! bellissimo! and yes that gun pod was a bit scary to pull out at first.. seems a little easier second time around!
  14. thanks! hey did you ever post a pic of your cars? I can't remember..
  15. a 5 & 6 for a model car of that price makes them very respectable! my son has a few Welly brand cars including an Audi R8 and a Lamborghini Aventador among them and they are quite nice indeed! But they weren't quite $15 though.. more like $50 to $80 but even that is still a 1/3 or 1/4 the average price of a Autoart.. And speaking of my collection.. I upgraded my display! I bought a new display cabinet from Ikea as I need the cabinet they were in previously for my expanding Valkyrie collection. Now at least you can see all the cars clearly! and I had some spare LED strip lighting which worked out perfectly too! really pleased with the end result! Here are some pics!
  16. hehe! nice buys mate! well done! I don't have any Maisto models so im not familiar with the brand at all but what does the "special edition" refer to? and what are the build quality and details of these cheaper models?
  17. nice! so.. im guessing this lot cost a whopping $60!? give or take.. each roughly $15 a pop!? am I right? am I right?
  18. some great footage of Super Hornets & Growlers!
  19. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    im sure more odd stock will pop up again as it did on amiami the other day so you could still get lucky. Or you can keep an eye out at Mandarake as there have already been a few sold there for decent prices. Though with time im sure the prices will only keep rising as they have done with many others..
  20. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LA customs sounds like they suck nearly as bad as Australia Post..
  21. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    good video by C-DX. skimmed through but will watch it entirely later on. Looking forward to Jenuis review!
  22. very sad news indeed
  23. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'll admit they have overdone the canopy tinting a bit but its not such an issue for me as the cockpit detail isn't great anyways so there isn't much to miss out on not being able to see inside there. Though it would have been nice if they included an optional clear canopy with it as there are scenes in the series where the canopy is much clearer than in others. What does bug me more is the rear landing gear design. ok yeah I can see the whole concept is kinda innovative or outside the box thinking but the execution was poor. I only attempted deploying them once when I got the thing and one side I could barely turn the wheel to the correct position and didn't want to risk causing damage. It could have been done better.
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