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Everything posted by spanner

  1. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That's sure is a strange one eh! And unfortunate.. but should be easily corrected with matching paint. Even knowing that Ami ami most likely would be unwilling to do much about it, I'd still get in contact with them. Heck you never know they might actually give you something like store credit etc..
  2. Hehe! I do like Ozma's 25 but not enough to want four (or more) of them! Three maybe.. Then I'd need to get the super parts!
  3. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh yeah I was wondering what was missing and that was it! And welcome back TCracker!
  4. im now only one off breaking the magic 100 Valkyrie in my collection! so maybe a third one with supers is an option!? But I have a few other ideas that might happen instead..
  5. I've had my original one dressed in armor parts from very early on so I didn't really get a chance to enjoy it in its pure form. But now I got a second one it will stay in fighter mode, clean config for me to enjoy!
  6. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah the hands don't really hold on to the gun pod so well but personally I prefer having the gun pod fixed to the weapons pod and having the forearm guns deployed. Its something different from pretty much all previous Valk's and still looks bad ass! The other problem with swapping out the hands is im not entirely sure if they replacement hands will fit in the small cavity in the wings when you switch it back to fighter mode so you might have to swap the hands back to the original or something else that fits but I haven't tried that so I really don't know.
  7. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yep I got the Stockholm cabinet. And yes it was expensive! about 4x the price of the of a Detolf.. but very worth it! Makes a great display cabinet but im only using it for my 1/18 cars. Saburo has the 4x side by side and it looks great! that was my other option was to sell off all of my Klingsbo and buy 6 or 8 Detolf and line them all up side by side! The only thing would be building a base for them all so they don't sit directly on the carpet and then selling off my other cabinets. Then doing all the lighting again. Too much effort for me sadly.. im lazy. And impatient.
  8. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Detolf are great for shelf height but width and depth are a little limited. Its nearly the complete opposite with the Klingsbo which has more depth and width but the shelf height is just too low. I can just barely fit a 31 in battroid with a millimeter or two room to spare.. Problem is ikea has discontinued the Klingsbo cabinet here is Australia and I didn't want to get Detolf as it wouldn't match the rest of my displays so I found a new cabinet (stockholm) for my cars (which is a very nice cabinet!) and recovered a Klingsbo for more Valks! It would be nice to replace all my other cabinets with Stockholm cabinets as they would be prefect for Valkyries but that would incur enormous costs..
  9. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe! money bags! not anymore.. Bandai and its re-sellers now have all my money now. those clear stands are Flight Pose.. http://flightpose.com/
  10. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yep each Valkyrie sits on the three stalks. Although not now as I switched modes on two of them and had to put the other stands back with other Valks I borrowed them from.. Thanks, thanks & thanks! they do indeed! Time to buy more Ikea Detolfs mate! hehe!
  11. I couldn't agree more! so.. Jenius.. when is your VF-31 review gonna be up?
  12. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I love how easy it is to transform too! Had both battroid and gerwalk done in less than 10mins! VF-31 vs YF-30 Merry Effin Christmas to me!!! Amen.
  13. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    my other two just arrived 15mins ago! now to pose them each in a different mode! worth every penny!
  14. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    great photo Kinzoku VF, also loving the paint scheme on that VF-1 just behind! have you posted a pic of that in here before? I'd love to see more of it!
  15. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe! sorry I just had to! thanks again Saburo!
  16. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    that is brilliant! you beat me to it! not a bad price from them! never heard of or used these guys so anyone know how reliable they are? I wouldn't mind buying a 4th! hehe!
  17. very cool! and the Valkyrie looks way less corny and awkward that John Travolter does! hehe!
  18. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    it does do gerwalk very well doesn't it! its really the only reason I ended up deciding to get three of them! if its gerwalk wasn't good as with the 19adv (no im not hating on it) then I wouldn't bother with the extra one. And yes it certainly does have a very nice silhouette in fighter mode! I completely agree that it has a close resemblance to the 19F & S! Im hardly surprised it looks like a 19 considering that was a wild child back in the day with more potential than what the pilots could cope with! So no wonder why the designers kinda backtracked to it.. but that's pure speculation of course..
  19. I could do the very same as what you did and do a conversion custom with one of my other v2 VF-1A CF's.. all I'd need to do is find a VF-1J head unit and color match it. Shouldn't be too hard to accomplish and the colored sections between them are identical right down to the brown feet! So... has anyone got a spare VF-1J head unit laying around they don't need!?!?
  20. yeah could have been damaged when packed in the factory. Slack workers! I hope they can do something for you or at least give you a credit.. I have yes but on bigger stuff like the fairings / bodywork on motorcycle and not ever something intricate as a small Valkyrie parts. But that's not to say it wouldn't work. Super glue on the other hand I have a couple of times and with good results. Though it will depend on the brand of super glue as some plastics might have a resistance or chemical additive that reduces the effectiveness of the glue reaction. I only use Wurth brand super glue that I get from work and its never let me down. Im sure someone else in here has used other stuff effectively but I wouldn't know what sorry.
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