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Everything posted by spanner

  1. has there been a thread started for this movie already? Apologies if there is but I tried searching for it but failed to find anything so mods please delete or lock if necessary.. going to watch this over the weekend. Looks pretty good and im a big Jennifer Lawrence fan so im definitely looking forward to seeing it!
  2. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    six is a lot of the one Valkyrie I know but I am still buzzing from excitement from seeing the 31A so yes six is a definitely possibility indeed! but we'll see what happens later after I've cooled down a bit.. having three may suffice but then again I might even need nine!! three in each mode! but that's just a bit crazy!
  3. wow! what a haul Noel! well done! sucks about the box damage but at least you got a fantastic Valkyrie inside it! and congrats on finally getting your VT-1!
  4. seeing that blade running over the bodywork would make me nervous and uncomfortable but they look like they know what they're doing. and gold can look rather tacky for the most part but this wrap looks kinda cool in the end! would it be my choice of wrap? maybe, maybe not..
  5. trailer looks alright.. definitely looking forward to another Alien movie!
  6. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh yes! oh god yes!! that head unit! that color scheme! that missile pod! sooo much yes! even more yes!!! oh man those Delta wings! yes yes YES!!! I don't think I'll be able to hold back at just three VF-31A! might have to double that order!!
  7. spanner

    Macross figures

    yep same here..
  8. I could be wrong but from my understanding the current forum layout / functionality is only temporary until it gets restored to how it looked earlier.. So I would assume sigs would return? This is what another forum member told me anyways..
  9. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    great review Jenius! thanks for your efforts!
  10. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah the gap behind the cockpit can be a little annoying but I found if you firmly hold the cockpit section with one hand and the the forward fuselage with the other and do a slight and gentle twisting motion (each hand twisting in the opposite direction) it can help encourage the parts to lock together a little better thus close the gap right up. The trigger finger isn't much of an issue for me as im liking leaving the gun pod attached to the backpack thing in both gerwalk and battroid. In my opinion the Valkyrie looks really good with the forearm cannons deployed! Like you mention in a following comment about the landing gear, the forearm cannons are different and welcoming idea. I don't have any issue with the knifes left fitted when in fighter mode. The only time I ran into trouble with the knife stowed in the arms / wings in fighter mode is when I hadn't quite pressed one on firmly enough and it wasn't sitting properly flush and level. Im also a fighter mode guy but the VF-31 looks equally spectacular in all three modes! Still not quite as good as the all time king the VF-1 closely followed by the VF-0.
  11. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I gotta admit even I was considering buying a 4th one just to have one to play around with and keep the other three pristine on display!
  12. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'll certainly try for one but if all else fails then im sure a place like NY will have them available as they do now with the VF-31J. Even if they charge a premium over the pre-order and release prices I'll still buy one so im not really that fussed about it.
  13. of course they are all great photos but... this one is magnificent!!! thanks again Saburo!
  14. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Great vid Jenius! Makes me wanna take it out of the display cabinet and transform it again! The VF-31 is such a fun thing to handle! And as derex just mentioned, the YF-30 not so much.. One can say that both definitely related to each other but more like cousins than brothers..
  15. spanner

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ohhh! Gonna go watch this now!!
  16. though I never said it looked bad or anything like that.. just not quite as interesting as the "S" variant. But definitely glad I got them! I am looking forward to a pure CF variant which hopefully will be a tad less blue.
  17. glass head mower engine! jump to 3:14 to see it running.. I wonder what resistance to heat and compression the glass would actually have!?
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