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Everything posted by Drahazar

  1. So I am not sure about all being said here but is their a way to watch macross frontier with good subs besides what I have found on EBay. I saw the zip file but not sure what it goes too.
  2. Ah is there more info on them? And thanks for the name I'll google it
  3. So I saw this dark blue squadron in macross it was about 6 seconds of show time. I am going to paint a model VF with the colors but am wondering what the squads leader and insignia is. It did not say in the series so was wondering if it did else where.
  4. Really cool website. Realitylapse.com. Just wish the sub's where slower I can't read them fast enough
  5. Man killjoy for sure. Oh well I will just have to roll with it I will post pics up of the minis for all to see. Once that Robotech game comes out ill have them painted up and posted i think its in december.
  6. Man yeah ill do it for the pictures. I wish I was still stationed in Okinawa I could have some translate all the squadrons for me. Well next year will be when I'll put in to move hopefully.
  7. So is there a translation program to translate the books. I want to get them but my google search came back with some crazy programs not sure if they would do the job.
  8. I put in a search in Google for Macross Squadrons. And I only found those two websites dunno what else I should have put in. I thought Macross Squadrons was very specific.
  9. For the game I wanted to get the correct squadrons and what there colors are. I know skull is white and Wolf was red and white then went grey and white. But what about the others? I am hoping someone might have a accurate list so I can get them done up correctly for the game. What I have found so far. http://www.macross2....ross-index.html http://www.macrossne...x.php/Squadrons
  10. If this is the wrong area MODs please move. For the game I wanted to get the correct squadrons and what there colors are. I know skull is white and Wolf was red and white then went grey and white. But what about the others? I am hoping someone might have a accurate list so I can get them done up correctly for the game. What I have found so far. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/sdfmacross-index.html http://www.macrossnewhorizon.org/mediawiki/index.php/Squadrons
  11. Yep I want to buy it that is why I am not interested in you tube. The more people that buy it the more macross we get. I thought adv only did the robotech versions not macross
  12. They (Netflix, Hulu) and the like only have robotech macross is no where to be found including amazon instant video. That is why I'm trying to find the originals and I have had no luck.
  13. 1. What is Macross 2012 if its a remake of the original with new graphics I will be a happy panda. 2. How can I find the original Southern Cross, and Genisis climber. 3. Which DYRL should I get there are a lot of DVD's of this and other macross how do I know I am getting the right ones. 4. Macross 7 do not care it was the worst of the bunch next. 5. Macross Plus I saw it going blue ray but will it come to the states that way. 6. Macross frontier where can I find a sub version of it. 7. are there any other Macross that I am not aware of that I need to get?
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