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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. The Greats.. Always awesome..
  2. Looking awesome! The larger Prometheus , while accurate, throws the balance and symmetry off. But the larger one does look cooler, at the same time.
  3. Lol. Yes she has been. Cheers Tek
  4. Here's the latest on this one. More to do..She's a lucky 13 see you next deculture
  5. Making some progress.. I'm lucky enough to still be working. Not sure how long it's going to last , so pulling long days.. Hopefully more to come this weekend
  6. VERY Sexy
  7. Terrain in outer space is not just black and white.
  8. You're making a profit? You scalper! It takes a prophet to make a profit these days
  9. Fighting on a moon full of mineral deposits
  10. Haven't done any cf colors. Have several examples of other stuff but it's not necessarily helpful. Been mixing Creatix airbrush colors.
  11. Wish I could tell you what Tamiya or other brand color to use. I'm mixing my own colors by eye.. my 1/48 cf is getting a custom color change..
  12. Looks awesome @tekering you're a true craftsman
  13. Looking forward to seeing that amigo.
  14. I'm not sure what scale. Maybe it's here and someone can read this..looks like the same as your link.
  15. Ouch. So even the fan base is cringing. These writers just don't have their finger on the fan base pulse..
  16. It's Shrek and kung fu Panda for you my friend Actually , Kubo and the two strings was awesome..
  17. I would think any rt fan site would be having an (at least semi-) intelligent conversation about these comics. No? We just intelligently bash it here
  18. Lol. He rocked it in SDFM too..
  19. I was also wondering how much content this could really have .. hopefully loads of awesome new artwork.
  20. Ya but it was epic
  21. Doesn't quite scale up imo.
  22. Yep
  23. Thanks for the info @Alphahorizon Johns Hopkins University also has a great dashboard updated regularly https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 This going to put a serious hold up on Macross toy collecting for us non Japan residents. Well, more resin kits to build anyway
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