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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. Insane how some members still haven’t gotten their Kairos units yet. Maybe NY really should let people know for certain either way, toy or not, this is way too long without answers.
  2. It looks a bit much. Will get it but definitely not as nice as the Armoured 25s. Looking forward to getting Chuck.
  3. Grats to members getting theirs. A long time coming! Fingers crossed for everyone else still awaiting word.
  4. Totally be down for a DX YF-21, but Chuck comes first. Along with Kairos super parts and Armor for the 31S
  5. The YF-19 over the Kai. All those extra missiles are great.
  6. Didn’t get a peep. I guess I’ll wait for retail. Echoing similar statements we are totally screwed for all future releases. HLJ was always a solid choice- now they aren’t. Gonna hope that the white Astraea will be a TWE.
  7. @no3Ljm thanks for that dude. I’m not sure if I really want it but I guess it’s better to get it and wait for the fullcloth add on in case they don’t release it as a full unit.
  8. Pretty sure the online vendors aren’t to blame if the problem with the antennae are from factory packing. Mine was from HLJ and it’s turned out fine. Need to check the head in case it’s missing pieces though. Never good when we talk more about QC than the swooshing with a new valk.
  9. Just received it after HLJ sent it yesterday. That was fast. The antennae arrived intact- lots of clearance from the plastic bubble canopy. Hope everyone will get theirs without any more QC problems. Sorry to hear about the broken pieces
  10. Thanks guys. I guess it was the wee hours of Saturday morning when I got charged but didn’t get round to ask for shipping until noon the next day. Probably why I’m still waiting (Monday afternoon here).
  11. HLJ. Anyone got shipping from them yet?
  12. All Tamashii web exclusives are shipped in those brown boxes if direct from Bandai- every single release has had it. Only through resellers who chuck the box have I not had the shipper.
  13. Didn’t seem so long ago we were perusing the prototypes and now Delta Squadron is almost complete. I wish they’d redo the 25s with this level of engineering and matte plastic, as they still feel superior aesthetics-wise. The 25F was simply masterful.
  14. Wasn’t an essential item for me but didn’t mind getting one. With HLJ selling out in under two minutes that’s bad news going forward for other releases.
  15. I wouldn’t freak out just yet over the WE. The Japanese P-Bandai webpage is still up and preordering is available. Hold off until the main shops reopen preorders.
  16. Me neither! Managed to snag a second preorder so I should have it in hand this weekend. Excited!
  17. http://blog.livedoor.jp/tamashii_robot/25254065201818
  18. Yeah definitely a Strike Rouge is a no-brainer. An Akatsuki would definitely be awesome. However, I doubt bandai would make it like the kits and instead give it a full gold paint job instead of chromed parts. But they might do it down the line. That’s probably another 5 year wait.
  19. Looks great. The Strike is Bandai’s cash cow. It will literally have every pack under the sun made for it. Will give the Red Frame a run for sure!
  20. @Saburo Great pics but that’s a given a time this point. Still have to say it since it’s always a pleasure to look at the valk in your photography style!
  21. Looks great. What’s not so great will be the price. Won’t be a cheap valk.
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