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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. I CALLED this! Bandai would release super parts and three ghosts in one box. Knew it! Their strategy has been better since v1. They don't wanna bother with 2-3 different add ons for the same set anymore, ie separate sound boosters, then separate missiles and/or super parts.
  2. Just hope they will release the super parts first to get a complete Mac f tv squad. Wondering if Bandai will bundle 3 ghosts with super parts? Seems to make the most sense, since for the v1s they did everything separately, but this time bundled the reaction missiles to armoured packs. Remembers the v1 tornado armour missiles we had to buy separately?
  3. One of mine came with a stress mark on the shoulder right out of the box in fighter mode. That area never has any stress on it, whether trough transformation or otherwise. It's cray how bad the QC is
  4. Bad QC is what. Really hit and miss on the 171s. Scratch marks, patchy paint jobs and broken or missin parts.
  5. Surprised they didn't hike the price further
  6. Hope it does come down. It's a worthwhile jet that I hope all of us get to add to our collections. Still have a new v1 and sold my older one and I think it's still a fantastic design.
  7. That or wait for the release and hope scalpers drop their preorders...but even then the price might not come down
  8. Both wings? And in what way? The entire wing?
  9. Glad Yamato staffers are at Arcadia. These guys make fantastic stuff and shouldn't have their talents wasted. Now we need to see if Arcadia's MO puts valks as a priority, and if so, whether they will tread into new territory.
  10. I hope to be able to grab one day one. Preferably not for 21000
  11. Will NY have more alto units on day one ya think?
  12. Shukenzero

    Macross figures

    xrentonx I found your Sharon Apple n PM'd u.
  13. Jedi Defender. Comes with a Jedi consular, sith warrior, Jedi knight and sith trooper. Check it out at brickset.com
  14. They have no plans for the rerelease but are coming out with a new barge with leia, a new dropship, new Yoda and dooku, jango fett minifig, at-te with that dinosaur Jedi and another old republic ship. Freakin excited
  15. Saw another VF-19S for $118 and Fire Valk for $144. Temptations! Trying to avoid another valk purchase as I'm waiting on Star Wars Lego next month...it's super tough to hold out!!!
  16. You're wrong. It's not collecting if someone isn't complaining about something
  17. Dude I'm tingling! We're on the same wavelength. Thing is, you want to be able to have choice. Sometimes money can't get you what you want if you wait too long. Even if you have the dough, you don't know what conditions the box was in, or if there's a problem, you're not gonna get an exchange. Money can be made back, but you can't magically make a valk...well not until we discover magic...and if that's the case, I'd want a Vf-2SS
  18. Thanks for the tips guys.
  19. many a time I've been on the fence, only to regret the decision. Even if it takes a bit of work to transform it, at least you have one to transform. If and when Bandai stop making Valks, everyone will be panic buying/moaning
  20. Take the 171. Thing is, when you do want one down the line, you'll have it. Sometimes when you give one up and want to go back, it'll cost a pretty penny.
  21. Still on the fence. The 19F is much pricier but I like the colours better. Saw a fire valk for around 170.
  22. Deciding between that or 280 for a second 25g...I haven't got any of the vf 19s, only Isamu's bird...wondering if the 19s is worth it...although the 25g price isn't, I still want a spare cos I love that sniper Valkyrie
  23. Wanted to ask if anyone knows how to tighten the vf-25's landing gear doors? I have a slightly loose door and want to tighten it a little without f'ing it up.
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