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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. Want a Klan red version. Then it'll be max miria all over again.
  2. Priced dropped to $128 locally. For such a beautiful bird, I'm surprised at the drop; aside from a few QC issues, it's a brilliant design.
  3. Nicely put. Normally, locals with access to said goods aren't as immediate to pick up them up, simply because they know if they look around, they'll find it. For us, we don't have that privilege, and our only avenue is online. That's where the money's at, that explains the stock situation etc at NY.
  4. Picked up my rvf today. No major flaws, but haven't transformed it. Anyone has any problems with missing parts etc?
  5. Wonder if they'll bring out a dx galaxy, since they r being so unpredictable at the moment.
  6. Brera has a sick valk. Got the sv51 all over it. Can't wait to see what the yf 30 dx will look like.
  7. I do it exactly the same. Leave top section so it's a neat flap; saves throwing it away n gives easy access. That valk is sexiness in a box!
  8. Luca was a girly man. That's what killed him. And he's in a Keroro valk
  9. Can't wait for mine!
  10. Maybe they eventually will launch bundles after the reissues, and toss in the tornado bundles to get demand going?
  11. Waaaa! Mine should be in next week. Cannot wait to complete the GODDAMN team!!!!!
  12. Shukenzero

    Macross figures

    glad it came to you in one piece!
  13. Two of the same or one of each? Also u got the package yet?
  14. Dang. Gotta wait on my local dude to get the luca. Preordered both super parts though. Is EMS a good shipping method?
  15. Luca is probably least liked cos he was a whiny kid and his unit never did anything apart from get captured and look like Keroro. Just need him to complete skull squadron but damn is the kid annoying!
  16. Glorious. The squadron will be complete once the super parts come. I can wait for the tornado parts, but a tv squad is the bare minimum. Anything else is heresy!
  17. Don't think they ever rereleased armour packs or exclusive items. Either way I hope they do release then again in some way for those who missed them.
  18. Any word on super parts pricing and if ghosts are bundled with Lucas's parts?
  19. You think the price will drop come launch, and we ended up paying through the nose?
  20. The yf 30 looks brittle. The tail fins look like they won't be sturdy, if they work perfectly from the lineart. Lots of broken bits, guaranteed. Only way to deal with it is diecast; either the frail pins, or the entire structure is made of metal.
  21. Just annoying that the vf25g is getting little love at the moment. I'm hoping Bandai doesn't drop the ball with this. They've done it before and I want to think they are planning something big, like the galia four set from before.
  22. Loop that's freaking sweet. Shame I don't have enough room to display my stuff until I move to a bigger place.
  23. Maybe not a straight reissue, but if they want to continue Yamato's designs under new management, all it will need is the one thing we don't have a lot of: time. I'm sure they will get round to at least a few designs, seeing as they are the only company doing the older valks and so there's no competition. Only thing to fear is a new macross series, as then Bandai will produce a new line-up and further shadow the older designs.
  24. Why aren't Bandai revealing anything about the 25G super parts? Maybe they are planning a bundle pack like the v1, or tornado parts plus super parts tamashii web exclusive.
  25. Who actually owns the Frontier rights? Didn't Bandai part-fund the anime? I'm not sure so please clarify.
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