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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. Pelvic swivel joint is okay. Im pretty sure it'll be loose in time. They included the option to pull the legs further out from the diecast joint, but I'm not sure what use it serves. It is included in the instructions.
  2. Thanks but looks like the layer sprayed on top is protecting it. Guess this will be my rough and tumble 30, while the second is my spare. Not Much to do about that. Just find it annoying the factory worker wiped lunch on my valk (-.-)" Anyways, went through the transformation to battroid and back, and it's floppy, until I took out a fold-out tab, buried in the nose cone, right beneath the canopy. That grey plastic tabs the body in battroid to hold it together. Overall, it feels solid; the parts click together nicely when compared to the similar VF-22, which didn't feel right when the arms rested against the legs in aircraft mode. Some bits had paint chipping, and my battroid head has a silver section on its chin where the paint's gone, and that wasn't me. The leg swivel joint to gerwalk is less likely to scratch, as it has a connector between the two pieces, giving some space, but the nose will see some wear. The missile rack is surprising, as both sides have missile tubes, each able to individually open, making for some pretty impressive snaps once you all get yours. Bandai's engineering has gone up a notch, and the support parts aren't really needed, as shown in previous posts. Glad they decided on hard points...my vf-171 broke when I tried to change the wings. Whoever is still on the fence should take a chance, as it's a very sturdy valk with some unique elements.
  3. Got a smear on the canopy, as if someone touched it with greasy food-hands, but it's a small patch and hardly noticeable. However, it was probably sprayed with an overcoat as I can't clean it, but can feel the slight raised contours. Any tips and tricks to remove?
  4. All these armour sets are pimp! The A looks really good in that configuration.
  5. I saw six or seven full boxes today, each with six valks, when I walked past a shop looking for an extra set of G super parts. It was pretty sweet seeing them. Bathing in Macross goodness? Surrounded by valk boxes is glorious. Guess that's what Kicker feels like walking around his house everyday
  6. Oh HK does. Just happens that we got a relatively close to RRP valk this time. Usually they charge over depending on popularity, and this is on the first day.
  7. I was in Mong Kok. Managed to snag one at Animate. It's got a matte finish and looks f*cling gorgeous
  8. Just picked mine up at a local store for ¥19750, HKD 1580. Also, minutes later, AmiAmi sent payment request. My hunt is over Store is only allowing 1 per customer.
  9. So it's the middle of the month release ala the F
  10. http://app.f.m-cocolog.jp/t/typecast/1989668/1997495/95608787
  11. Thanks for the info dude! With the uncertainty with the HLJ Ozma order, I'm glad the Chronos from AmiAmi isn't a clusterf*ck, but a logistics issue. Now for the 9th!
  12. There's a lot of good out there, whether it's collecting toys or not. Even when there are a sh*t ton of a-holes in the world, the nice ones are out there too, doing their bit.
  13. As above^ Bandai aren't likely to break their tamashii rule, or it would mean going against the grain for all their exclusives across the board. Hope for an Ozma armoured bundle if they have any sense and see the demand for the S.
  14. Still waiting on AmiAmi to send payment request. It's a few days away, so maybe the major sites will reopen once stock arrives.
  15. I haven't been catching up with all the NY problems, but that's serious. Let me know if you and Loop need parts. They are still available locally here for $91. I can sort you out.
  16. Haha well I haven't crossed everything...maybe just my eyeballs! I'm normally quite impatient but guess it's better to have a package arrive safely and without QC issues than to have it super fast and have problems. I've gotten used to a few more days wait, but if it's something I can acquire locally, it's day one for me.
  17. Sounds like their service is getting a little patchy. Hopefully Graham's case is just a slight hiccup. I've been lucky to have had no problems with them, so let's hope it's just an isolated incident.
  18. Still nothing from AmiAmi. Isn't the release five days away?
  19. Always look forward to your pics! The Old Man nice photos too!Off-topic I'm considering whether to grab an extra set of rvf super parts...
  20. Good thing I'm on the straight shooters list...bad thing is I don't have a VF-25S to sell, but yeah always be on the lookout for scams How do members usually sell their POs? I'm wondering if you ship directly or wait til the unit arrives at your own addy? Might help some board members if I ever have any POs I don't need
  21. Same happened to me. Wait a few minutes and it'll shot you an automated email, then you'll see the order processing on your account page.
  22. A big THANK YOU to the above peeps! Preordered the single valk I needed at HLJ!
  23. Do you mean they opened again and sold out?
  24. We're tantalizingly near the release...just over a week to go! How's AmiAmi on shipping? They take forever to get the goods out or not?
  25. Picked mine up two days ago...haven't had a chance to put em on yet but they looks fab. Saburo, you been mixing armour sets yet? Any chance to see a bit of the supers and tornadoes together?
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