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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. Oooooo...Mirage is looking good! Nice poster too.
  2. Preordered at my usual place. Two full sets but no final price yet. He will let me know the amount when the time comes. Don't wanna deal with NY preorder madness
  3. And that's only for singles, not counting duplicates! Maybe you should clone yourself...
  4. On that note, I'm hoping Bandai release the YF-30 variants. Loved the design and to me, the 31 to the 30 is as the 21 to the 19, due to the wing shapes.
  5. It's a wait and see for me for this lot at the moment. Essential to have all the VF-31s x2, but let's see how much Kawamori love is in the design before I'm grabbing the whole squadron...maybe some might end up as web exclusives due to their similarities. Hell, at least you can differentiate the 31s by their contrasting colours!
  6. Wondering if it'll be as cool as the Vf-27...still one of the best looking enemy mecha...perhaps the arms are much larger than the legs, if speculation is that more of the fuselage forms the body and arms...
  7. Delta 1, 2, 5, 3, 4. Fav to not so fav. But it's close as they all look good thanks to Kawamori's beautiful design work.
  8. Cool thanks for the info!
  9. Still haven't been keeping up with which one is which, but liking the blue one in all the toy pics. Shame the PO will be so elusive...that's what bums most of us out the most! Sorry if this has been asked, but could someone kindly tell me which Delta number is which valk, preferably just by colour? Thanks
  10. Saburo great pics as always! Real nice to appreciate it in a different light!
  11. Picked mine up today, even though I wasn't gonna get it. Ah well. Will need to check the legs, but after inspection of my 0A and no problems, hopefully this will come through for me too. Then it's the 0D's turn......
  12. Thanks! Price is going up and up right now too! I've opened them both to check out, and actually the Japanese release's joints are slightly looser than the Asia release, with a bit of dirt on the back skirt, which thankfully rubbed off. It's the same factories spewing out the same stuff, so don't sweat it worrying about which version
  13. Will do just wanna enjoy them for the time being. Just wanted to have one to display and a spare cos butter fingers lol
  14. Either way glad you'll be able to enjoy the 0S probably will skip this release as I double-dipped on a Metal Build Strike Freedom instead. Too many horror stories about the legs!
  15. There's only a sticker they slap on for the Asia release, and an extra printed sheet inserted inside. Otherwise, it's identical. Really doubt that they would have different factories as the build is the same throughout.
  16. So...finally double dipped on the Strike Freedom...one Asian and one Japanese version. Identical as far as I can tell. Finally can have one out for display without worry of knocking it over etc! Christmas came early! Now all that's left is whether or not to pick up the VF-0S, seeing as I used money allocated for it for he MB.
  17. People are shelling out quite a bit for this and are constantly reporting problems with the assembly etc. Shame cos the design is bonkers. Now I'm on the fence about snagging a second one or putting the money into the Arcadia 0S, which has its own problems...
  18. Congrats to everyone able to snag a copy. David you should check for QC problems as I've been seeing a lot of people going on about sloppy builds and paintwork. Better to be safe than end up with problems further down the line...and it actually means opening the box
  19. Nobody knows outside of their employees I guess. Other than that you better hope that they don't send you a dud.
  20. Someone did a comparison with SHF figures and they are identical. Some people have reported QC issues but so far mine has been decent from the get go. Really depends on the individual's luck. There are minor nicks on most of the figures but that's no biggie anymore, at least to me. I've had my fair share of both Asian and Japanese releases and they vary in quality, with the SHF Mark 45 coming to mind. Different batches have slightly different shades of paint etc, but production-wise, the same factories handle the different versions, as far as evidence goes. Right now the Japanese version is slightly dearer, but as above, I'm pretty sure if you get a bad one, it'll be regardless of version and more to do with the minimal facks given by workers.
  21. I'm tempted to get another strike freedom but I'll let the price settle a little before double dipping. Right now it's all about another Destiny.
  22. Man the cash flow problem is worsening with Bandai's crazy rereleases and slew of new figures. Still won't deter me from the Destiny preorders
  23. I bought a Heine, that's why I'm not interested hehe...
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